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October 12, 2005
I'm With Stupid

That may be the only campaign slogan left for John Kerry as he picked up an endorsement for the 2008 Presidential campaign -- even though he hasn't declared whether he'll run again. Ted Kennedy has decided to volunteer as anchor for the Kerry bandwagon by declaring his support for his fellow Bostonian three years in advance:

Sen. Edward Kennedy (news, bio, voting record) said Wednesday he would back fellow Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2008 — even if Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton also pursues a White House bid.

"If he runs, I would support him," Kennedy told The Associated Press in an interview at his Boston office.

While Kennedy has frequently entertained the New York senator and her husband, former President Clinton, he said his loyalty is to Kerry. Early polling shows Clinton and Kerry among the favorites for their party's nomination in 2008, but neither has said for sure whether they'll run.

The funniest part of the AP story? "The White House had no immediate comment." That's because Ken Mehlman can't stop laughing long enough to write a statement for the media. Why would someone have asked the White House press office for a statement about one Democrat endorsing another for an election the current President can't contest?

Someone needs to remind Senator Kennedy that three years separates us from 2008, and perhaps it's best not to tie oneself to a particular candidate. It hardly comes as a surprise that Kennedy would back his protege anyway, but at least he should know better than to tip his hand so obviously. However, it does tend to indicate that the Hillary victory lap that everyone assumes the Democratic primaries will become may not be such a slam-dunk. Kerry could make it difficult for Hillary in the northeast, although she would probably carry just about every other primary. His candidacy could force her from her centrist positions early, giving some hope for the GOP.

Under normal conditions, Kerry wouldn't stand a chance in 2008 -- but the Democrats have become so unhinged by Bush Derangement Syndrome that he could still get significant sympathy support. With Al Gore backing out of the race today and Bill Clinton's wife leading the polling so far, they certainly seem intent on the nostalgia campaign for 2008.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at October 12, 2005 10:46 PM

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