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October 24, 2005
Caption Contest Winners!

Uncle Saddy wants to send his appreciation for the 228 entries he got for his saucy little pose in CQ's special Caption Contest. He wants to assure all of you that he appreciates your tongue-in-cheek jokes about his present situation ... although he did mention something about removing your tongues from your cheeks if he "ever gets out of this *&^%^% place," or words to that effect.

Knowing what a fair kind of guy Uncle Saddy is, I'm sure he'd like to visit each of you personally, but Peyton Randolph has selected the ones who will be at the top of his list. Just think -- the winners could find this on their doorstep one day, ringing their bell:

Without further ado, here are Peyton's picks:

Best Political Link:

I'm innocent, I tell you. At the time those crimes were committed, I was at a Kinko's in Abilene, sending some faxes.

Posted by: Dave at October 19, 2005 08:33 PM

Best and First With a Great Idea:

"Not only are we going to Ramadi, we're going to Falluja and Tikrit and Najaf and Karbala and Al Hillah and we're going to Dialya and Sulimaniya and Arbil. And we're going to Kirkuk and Arbil and Qut and Basra. And then we're going to Baghdad to take back the Palace. Yeeeaaaaarrgh."

Posted by: Eric Akawie at October 19, 2005 09:27 PM

Best and First With Wardrobe Advice:

"You're going to like the way you look, I guarantee it!"

Posted by: jc at October 19, 2005 10:51 PM

Best Nepotism Award:

Saddam: Ladies and gentlemen, I'll be brief. The issue here is not whether we broke a few rules, or took a few liberties with our female party guests - we did.

Posted by: CopperBeech (Peyton’s lovely bride) at October 23, 2005 07:56 AM

Captain's Award - Best Overall Caption:

"...And I would have succeeded, too- if it wasn't for those nosey kids in their 'Mystery Machine', and that weird dog of theirs!"

Posted by: ERNurse at October 22, 2005 06:59 PM

So ERNurse gets the overall Captain's Award! Congratulations, ERNurse. Send me your contact information, and I will send you a copy of the Weekly Standard's anniversary compendium of essays. Great job, Peyton, and thanks again for your help and your inspiration for this contest.

Thanks to everyone who entered, and congratulations to the winners! Remember, here at CQ, everyone's a winner -- just some of us have higher winning percentages than others. Comments on this post will remain open, as usual, in order for the winners to gloat, the others to disparage my intellect and/or my parentage, and for any other entries submitted just for the sheer enjoyment of amazing your friends and confounding your enemies.

Sphere It Digg! View blog reactions
Posted by Ed Morrissey at October 24, 2005 4:53 AM

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So the Captain ran a caption contest, using a picture of Saddam from, I presume, his arraignment. The result? Pure hilarity. “YEEEEAAAAAAARRRRGGHH!! But another post along, he had a link to an article I’ve been waiting to see more on... [Read More]

Tracked on October 24, 2005 10:43 AM

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