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Iran's new president and nominal head of state has wasted no time in publicly supporting terror. He made an explicit call for attacks on Israel as part of his address to an Islamic forum in Teheran today, calling into question whether the time may have come for stronger measures to eliminate the threat coming from the Islamic Republic's mullahcracy:
Iran’s hard-line president called for Israel to be “wiped off the map” and said a new wave of Palestinian attacks will destroy the Jewish state, state-run media reported Wednesday.Mahmoud Ahmadinejad also denounced attempts to recognize Israel or normalize relations with it.
“There is no doubt that the new wave (of attacks) in Palestine will wipe off this stigma (Israel) from the face of the Islamic world,” Ahmadinejad told students Wednesday during a Tehran conference called “The World without Zionism.”
Ahmadinejad wants to touch off yet another intifada, which shows how idiotic Iranian Islamist thinking has become. The previous intifadas have done nothing for the Palestinians; in fact, they lost most of what they could have gotten without firing a shot in the 1990s from Ehud Barak. They haven't exactly done wonders for Iran, either. Israel has emerged diplomatically stronger, with developing ties to a number of nations through the Arabic world, while Iran finds itself more and more isolated by its pursuit of nuclear technology.
The Iranians need to learn a lesson about explicit calls for terror attacks on another sovereign nation. Perhaps the Israelis will teach it to them, if the EU-3 and the US can't find the time or the nerve to do so. We already know that terrorists such as Islamic Jihad, and Hezbollah in Lebanon, get most of their funding through the Iranian mullahs. Do we need to wait until they respond to Ahmadinejad's overt signals to attack before we do something about it?
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Iran’s hard-line president called for
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