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October 26, 2005
That Didn't Take Long

One could easily predict that nutcases on the far Left would start peppering the Michael Steele campaign with increasingly personal attacks, thanks to his status as a conservative African-American. However, this must represent a world record reaction time, even for the lunatic Left.

Steve Gilliard, who runs the News Blog, has a new post called "Simple Sambo wants to move to the big house," an echo of the oft-tossed 'house slave' epithet that black conservatives get. Gilliard includes a photo-shopped image of Steele depicting him in minstrel-show blackface. Gilliard excuses this racist imagery as acceptable given his own status as an African-American leftist.

Disgusting is disgusting, regardless of whoever puts it up on their web site. All this proves is that racism has many faces, including those who insist that people of a particular ethicity must all think alike in order to be "authentic". I doubt that Gilliard will feel any remorse over this post, but it does help illuminate the viciousness that conservatives face when they dare to defy groupthink.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at October 26, 2005 8:48 PM

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» Simple Sambo??? from Hard Starboard
Steven Gilliard is a left-wing extremist who runs a site called the News Blog. He is also black. And he is a flaming, hypocritical racist. This doctored photograph, making Maryland GOP Senate candidate Michael Steele look like Step 'n Fetchit, is the... [Read More]

Tracked on October 28, 2005 12:18 AM

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