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What is it about frustrated members of the British royal family who, when unable to garner the throne for themselves, decide to campaign on behalf of genocidal nutcases? After being forced to abdicate the throne in order to marry Wallis Simpson, Edward Windsor flirted with the Nazis to such an extent that the British thought they might have to forcibly remove him from Spain. Churchill had to order him to the Bahamas to separate the Duke from German agents.
Now we have Prince Charles, the man who would be King if his mother would just let him, deciding that George Bush just doesn't understand how wonderful Islam truly is -- and wants to travel to the United States to deliver a lecture on the Religion of PeaceTM:
The Prince of Wales will try to persuade George W Bush and Americans of the merits of Islam this week because he thinks the United States has been too intolerant of the religion since September 11.The Prince, who leaves on Tuesday for an eight-day tour of the US, has voiced private concerns over America's "confrontational" approach to Muslim countries and its failure to appreciate Islam's strengths.
The Prince raised his concerns when he met senior Muslims in London in November 2001. The gathering took place just two months after the attacks on New York and Washington. "I find the language and rhetoric coming from America too confrontational," the Prince said, according to one leader at the meeting.
May I suggest that if the Prince wants to kiss the rear ends of imams that he continue to do so in his own country. We're not beating Muslims in the streets here. We understand that moderate, law-abiding Muslims don't represent any problem; we have many here who contribute to our society when they assimilate and accept religious tolerance. If Charles wants to debate traditions of religious freedom, perhaps he would like to bone up on a little bit of British history -- including the debacle the British created in Northern Ireland, which continues to this day.
Our problem lies with Muslims who don't accept Western values of religious tolerance -- those Islamists who demand that infidels have no rights except for those of servants of Islamist masters, who consider the stoning of women to be justice for exercising some sexual and cultural freedom, who behead teenagers for going to Catholic school -- that's where the problem lies. Instead of coming to the one nation that has traditionally led the world in promoting the peaceful practice of all religions within a single culture, perhaps Charles should travel to places like Saudi Arabia and Iran to defend Christianity. Better yet, travel to any Arabic nation and defend Judaism. After all, Charles says he wants to be the Defender of All Faiths. Why not start in places where those who practice their faiths get murdered for it with their government's blessings?
I'll tell you why; because it's easy to be the Defender of All Faiths in places where making that argument won't result in danger for the defender. Charlie's taking the cheap shot because he hasn't the balls to go lecture the truly intolerant on their murderous policies that oppress competing faiths. He's a dilettante that even his mother won't trust with a meaningless crown for more than a few years at the end of his life, and this is an excellent example of why. (via The Anchoress, and several CQ readers)
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» Prince Charles to plead Islam's cause to Bush from Don Singleton
Exactly the opposite is true; President Bush has gone overboard saying Islam is a Religion of Peace, and cowtowing to CAIR. Both the US and Britain need to clamp down on Islamoterrorists. [Read More]
Tracked on October 30, 2005 7:37 AM
» Mind Your Own Business Chuck from Below The Beltway
From the London Telegraph comes this report that Prince Charles will plead the cause of Islam when he meets with President Bush this week. [Read More]
Tracked on October 30, 2005 8:02 AM
» Prince Charles Will Enlighten George Bush About Islam from The Moderate Voice
When Prince Charles meets with President Bush during his upcoming tour of the United States he plans to take th... [Read More]
Tracked on October 30, 2005 10:22 AM
» Charles and Islam: Morons Я from blastfurnacecanada
Charles and Islam: Morons Я Us [Read More]
Tracked on October 30, 2005 11:52 AM


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