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The Democrats in Maryland have decided that they like racism, especially racist stereotypes such as slave gibberish and minstrel-show caricatures of African-Americans, and have publicly come out in favor of their use in political campaigns. While such imagery would get a Republican immediately denounced as a hatemonger, Democrats feel free to use them as long as their targets are conservative African-Americans, such as Michael Steele:
Black Democratic leaders in Maryland say that racially tinged attacks against Lt. Gov. Michael S. Steele in his bid for the U.S. Senate are fair because he is a conservative Republican.Such attacks against the first black man to win a statewide election in Maryland include pelting him with Oreo cookies during a campaign appearance, calling him an "Uncle Tom" and depicting him as a black-faced minstrel on a liberal Web log. ...
"There is a difference between pointing out the obvious and calling someone names," said a campaign spokesman for Kweisi Mfume, a Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate and former president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
State Sen. Lisa A. Gladden, a black Baltimore Democrat, said she does not expect her party to pull any punches, including racial jabs at Mr. Steele, in the race to replace retiring Democratic U.S. Sen. Paul S. Sarbanes.
"Party trumps race, especially on the national level," she said. "If you are bold enough to run, you have to take whatever the voters are going to give you. It's democracy, perhaps at its worse, but it is democracy."
Delegate Salima Siler Marriott, a black Baltimore Democrat, said Mr. Steele invites comparisons to a slave who loves his cruel master or a cookie that is black on the outside and white inside because his conservative political philosophy is, in her view, anti-black.
One of the excuses used by these Democrats is that Steele refused to object when Governor Robert Ehrlich met with supporters at a club that has no black members in its history. The Elkridge Club held a fundraiser attended by Ehrlich and widely decried by the Democrats as an indication of GOP pandering to racist whites in the south. They failed to mention, however, that several Democrats have made their own use of the Elkridge Club, including the brother and chief political advisor to their gubernatorial candidate to replace Ehrlich.
That shows the leadership of the Democrats as they truly are -- a hate-based faith system that takes any means necessary to win elections. Cheating, violence, smears, and now racism are all acceptable as long as Republicans are the targets. If the Republicans happen to be members of minority communities, so much the better.
After all, it's not discrimination when you hate someone more because of the color of their skin or their ethnic background, is it?
Not if you're a leftist Democrat, it isn't.
UPDATE: Robert Ehrlich, not Mike. Thanks to a number of CQ readers who pointed out the error.
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» Black Democrats in MD make candid admission from Sister Toldjah
Making race-based attacks on a black person is ok: as long as it’s a black conservative Republican. S. A. Miller reports in this morning’s Washington Times (reg. req.):
Black Democratic leaders in Maryland say that racially tinged attack... [Read More]
Tracked on November 2, 2005 9:26 AM
» Black Democrats in MD make candid admission from California Conservative
Making race-based attacks on a black person is ok: as long as it’s a black conservative Republican. S. A. Miller reports in this morning’s Washington Times (reg. req.):
Black Democratic leaders in Maryland say that racially tinged attack... [Read More]
Tracked on November 2, 2005 9:45 AM
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Tracked on November 2, 2005 11:07 AM
» Racist Who? from Alpine Summit
Seriously now, what is wrong with these people?! Would you expect a Republican to get away with this? I don't think so! Not only would there be outrage all over the left calling for the resignation of the offending party members, but it would be plas... [Read More]
Tracked on November 2, 2005 11:09 AM
» Racing with the moon(bats) from protein wisdom
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