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November 17, 2005
Hitting The Road

The time has come to roll, ladies and gentlemen! The second annual pilgrimage to the Golden Dome is on its way. We will leave the house in a few minutes to start heading towards South Bend and our weekend at Notre Dame. Blogging will be light today, but this time our hotel has Internet access -- so I will be able to do some blogging over the next few days. Many thanks to those who offered better route options than trans-urban Chicago ... we'll try Joliet instead and see how we do.

Shake down the thunder!

UPDATE, 4:58 - Made it to Michigan City after about nine hours on the road, including an hour outside of Rockford for lunch. We're a bit stiff and it took us about an hour to get the energy to unpack and get settled, but now we're thinking about finding a bite to eat. The internet access here is excellent but hardwired, so I'll go out and buy a long cat-5 cable so I can run the computer from the bed.

This is the first time I've taken a long road trip with XM satellite radio. I liked it, although I have to use the FM link to get it to play on my car stereo, and passing trucks with heavy communications equipment often interfere with the transmission. I listened to CNN and Fox, so I kept up with a couple of news stories all day. I'll have a few things to write about the hysterical John Murtha later on tonight. Right now, I'm going to catch up with e-mail and comments and then get some grub while we wait for the Admiral Emeritus to arrive.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at November 17, 2005 6:31 AM

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