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January 17, 2006
Hillary On MLK Day: Senate Democrats Are Slaves

Hillary Clinton told a crowd gathered for her Martin Luther King Day speech in Al Sharpton's Harlem church that Congress under Republican control is the same as slavery and that the Republican leadership act as the overseers:

Martin Luther King Jr. fought four decades ago to free black Americans from the legacy of slavery. Yesterday, Senator Clinton compared the Republican leadership of the current House of Representatives to the very idea the civil rights leader dedicated his life to fighting.

"When you look at the way the House of Representatives has been run - it has been run like a plantation," she said. "You know what I'm talking about."

Mrs. Clinton, who was addressing a packed house at the Reverend Al Sharpton's annual Martin Luther King Day event at Canaan Baptist Church in Harlem, continued: "It has been run in a way so that nobody with a contrary point of view has had a chance to present legislation, to make an argument, to be heard. The Senate's not that bad, but it's been difficult. It's been difficult."

Is she out of her mind? First her husband decides somehow that he is an African-American by claiming to be the "first black President" because he comes from a broken family. Now Hillary, who by the way carpetbagged her way into the Senate by running for election for a state in which she'd never lived, now claims she's a slave because the Democrats can't get a majority in either house of Congress.

Perhaps the descendants of Harriet Tubman will recreate the Underground Railroad and shuttle the poor Democratic wretches from the "plantation" on which they toil in DC to, say, Canada. I don't think they'll find much resistance -- until they actually cross the 49th Parallel. I know most of us won't miss them a bit.

That victimization and self-pity for a group of rich idiots like Ted Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi, Clinton herself, and the rest of the incompetent boobs of the Democratic power structure typifies the worldview of the loony left wing. Their lack of ability simply can't be their own fault, and their lack of connection to voters can't have anything to do with their failed policies and empty, hysterical rhetoric. It must be the fault of eeeeeeeeeevil Republicans, the "slavemasters" of Congress who actually won more elections, got more votes, and continue to grow their majority status despite the absolute self-assurance of Democrats who think they should be granted control despite the outcome of the elections.

File this one for 2008.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at January 17, 2006 7:00 AM

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