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January 24, 2006
Wild Night

I want to thank all of the CQ readers, the regulars and the first-timers, who hung in there last night through the election results. We had our biggest live-blog event ever, not surprising for those who have come to know the Canadians as anything but politically apathetic. That misjudgment should disappear forever, especially if one looks at my Sitemeter stats. We had over 115,000 unique visits yesterday and over 130,000 page views, mostly between 6 pm to midnight.

That made for some pretty slow load times, particularly in the first two hours. I saw that Hosting Matters had to do some quick work in getting the network to respond to the traffic flow. CQ shares a server with other blogs, and I could see a few HM-hosted sites start to have problems due to our traffic. (I had time to look at that because I couldn't pull up my own site about half the time!) As they always do, HM found a solution quickly and freed up the bandwidth to let the traffic flow.

I hope everyone enjoyed the live blog as much as I enjoyed providing it. Thanks to all of those who linked to me last night, and a big thanks to the anonymous few who provided me the details that Canada had banned from its citizens. One day, both major North American governments may stop treating their citizens like children, but only when those citizens demand an end to parental government handouts. I think Canada took a major step in that direction last night, which is one of the reasons why live-blogging the historical election turned out to be such a remarkable experience.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at January 24, 2006 5:22 AM

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» Conservative Party Wins Canadian Election. What Now? from Winds of Change.NET
Hi all. The Canadian elections are over. As expected, the Conservative Party of Canada replaces the Liberal Party as a minority government, making breakthroughs in Quebec and Ontario. Prime Minister Paul Martin not only... [Read More]

Tracked on January 24, 2006 6:29 AM


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