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March 8, 2006
Update On The Gitmo Study

The CQ Blogswarm Study Group have been busy this week, reviewing the source documents on the Guantanamo Bay detainees and filling out the Excel spreadsheets with the data needed. I have already discovered one unsettling fact -- the documents provided by the DoD only include 122 SOEs, not 517. The Denbeaux study appeared to claim that it had 517 SOEs, but unless they received them separately from the DoD (which is certainly possible, since Mark Denbeaux represents two of the detainees), their researchers apparently attempted to reverse-engineer the SOEs from the testimony.

Our study group did not do that. The SOEs will eventually be reviewed by nine volunteers, with each SOE reviewed by three different people. They will count the listings in Paragraph 3 to determine how many hostile acts and connections to terrorism can be found, and I will use the average of all three as the number used. We are also counting mitigating circumstances found in Paragraph 4, which the Denbeaux study noted but did not analyze.

The remainder of the cases will be reviewed by a veritable army of researchers, all listed below. I asked these volunteers to act as jurors, in a way, by determining if the government appeared to have a reasonable case for holding the detainee based on the hearing transcripts. This portion of the study will be much more subjective, but the Denbeaux study did much the same thing in using these transcripts to recreate SOEs.

Many of these volunteers have their own blogs and have written about their experiences in reviewing the materials. Be sure to visit them to get their impressions of the study and of the government case for detention.

The CQ Blogswarm Study Group consists of these volunteers:

ARB Factors, Vol 1: Shawn Beilfuss, Bob L, Laura Curtis (Dummocrats and Gitmo Cookbook)

ARB Factors, Vol 2: Jon from Canada, Dixie68, Slightly Loony at JamulBlog

ARB Factors, Vol 3: Thomas Morrissey (no relation!), Rodney Graves, Freeper Bad Company

ARB Transcripts #1: Russ Emerson
ARB Transcripts #2: Jason
ARB Transcripts #3: Gary Gross
ARB Transcripts #4: CQ reader Ed

CSRTs --

Set 1: Jay
Set 2: CQ reader BD
Set 3: Arthur Kimes
Set 4: Christian Johnson
Set 5: Kaitian
Set 6: Anonymous2
Set 7: KGS59
Set 8: Duke DeLand
Set 9: Stephen St. Onge
Set 10: Texas Cowgirl
Set 11: David Chapelle (MD NG Ret.)
Set 12: Yetanotherjohn
Set 13: GM Roper
Set 14: Antarctic Lemur
Set 15: Robert Byers
Set 16: Anonymous1
Set 17: Richard Campbell
Set 18: Weight of Glory
Set 19: Mary Beth Buckner
Set 20: Ric James
Set 21: Streiff
Set 22: David Zincavage
Set 23: Greg McComas
Set 24: Pete Peterson
Set 25: Nathan Bradford
Set 26: Suitably Flip
Set 27: St. Wendeler
Set 28: Dafydd ab Hugh
Set 29: Thomas Morrissey
Set 30: Levi from Queens
Set 31: Mick Stockinger
Set 32: Gina Cobb
Set 33: Matt Adinaro
Set 34: Allen Thorpe
Set 35: Rodney Graves
Set 36: Rick Calvert
Set 37: David Zincavage
Set 38: Pierre LeGrand
Set 39: Suitably Flip
Set 40: David Zincavage
Set 41: Kane Rogers
Set 42: Crusader Rabbit
Set 43: Fred Fry
Set 44: Commander Salamander
Set 45: Katie Carroll
Set 46: Steve Schippert
Set 47: Rodney Graves
Set 48: Thomas Morrissey & Rodney Graves
Set 49: Thomas Morrissey
Set 50: Thomas Morrissey
Set 51: Chuck Allen
Set 52: Chuck Allen
Set 53: Chuck Allen
Set 54: Streiff

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at March 8, 2006 9:14 PM

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