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Today the Democrats launched their mission to revamp their image on security and national defense. They have long complained about a national perception of their party as wimpish, but Cynthia McKinney decided to set the record straight -- by slugging a cop:
According to two sources on Capitol Hill, who spoke on condition of anonymity, Rep. Cynthia McKinney, D-Ga., walked through a metal detector in a House of Representatives office building. When an officer asked her to stop, McKinney kept walking. The officer followed her and tapped her on the shoulder.McKinney then allegedly turned around and hit the officer in his chest with her cell phone.
Members of Congress are not required to stop for the metal detectors, but that policy should change soon. Obviously, some members have less emotional stability than others. Cynthia McKinney probably has less than anyone.
So will this be the new Democratic program to convince Americans that they can handle security issues -- by punching those responsible for the security of our federal buildings?
NOTE: That picture is the one that ran with the story at MS-NBC. If I were a Democrat, I'd be complaining about the use of that picture on this story.
UPDATE: The AP has a little more detail than NBC:
Members of Congress do not have to walk through metal detectors as they enter buildings on the Capitol complex. They wear lapel pins identifying them as members.McKinney routinely doesn't wear her pin and is recognized by many officers, the police official said, adding that she wasn't wearing it when she entered a House office building early Wednesday.
By one police account, she walked around a metal detector and an officer asked her several times to stop. When she did not, the officer tried to stop her, and she then struck the officer, according to that account.
I just need to make sure we have this correct. The new Democratic effort on national security, therefore, is to defy identification procedures, ignore common-sense safeguards, pretend not to hear warnings, and then assault the people protecting us.
Gee, I don't know ... sounds like the old Democratic program on security to me.
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» UNHINGED: Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D – GA) Punches Police Officer from RightWinged.com
h/t Expose the Left I suspect this story may get passing mention from even the MSM, but won't be surprised if they completely ignore it. But you can be sure that even if they do make passing mention, that is... [Read More]
Tracked on March 29, 2006 8:07 PM
» UNHINGED: Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D – GA) Punches Police Officer from RightWinged.com
h/t Expose the Left I suspect this story may get passing mention from even the MSM, but won't be surprised if they completely ignore it. But you can be sure that even if they do make passing mention, that is... [Read More]
Tracked on March 29, 2006 8:10 PM
» What Happens When You Challenge the State's Monopoly on Coercive Force? (AKA Why Cynthia Mckinney is a Twit but Will Turn Hitting a Cop into a Political Asset ... AKA All Politics is Local) from WiredOpinion.com
My congresswoman, Rep. Cynthia McKinney (GA-4), apparently shoved or punched a U.S. Capitol Police officer today: According to sources on Capitol Hill, U.S. Representative Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) punched a Capitol police officer on Wednesday afternoon ... [Read More]
Tracked on March 30, 2006 12:45 AM


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