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April 17, 2006
The Company I Kept

When The Week Magazine honored me two weeks ago, I had no idea that the two other honorees from that evening were just warming up. The Pulitzer committee has awarded their prestigious Pulitzer Prize to Nick Kristof for his series of reports from Darfur and to Mike Luckovich for his editorial cartoons.

I had the opportunity to speak to both the evening of the awards dinner. Nick Kristof and I shared a ride from the hotel to the dinner, and he spoke at length about his experiences in Darfur and his prognosis of the conflict. It was an enlightening ride, but far too short; I would have been happy to have been stuck in traffic for a while longer. Mike and I spoke after the affair, when I had an opportunity to tell him how much I have enjoyed his work over the years. Mike and his wife are charming people, and they may have reason to scout out Minnesota in the near future. Hopefully they'll give me a chance to show them around the city and spend a few more hours with them.

Congratulations to both for their fine work and the deserved recognition.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at April 17, 2006 5:46 PM

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