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July 30, 2006
Thanks For All That Death And Destruction

Fuad Saniora apparently wants to make it difficult for people to remain sympathetic to Lebanon, or perhaps he just has the worst case of Stockholm Syndrome since Patty Hearst. Whatever the reason, Saniora made it clear that he will not have the stomach for disarming Hezbollah as required by the UN Security Council as he praised their "defense" of Lebanon:

Lebanese Prime Minister Fuoad Siniora expressed his 'gratitude' to Hizbullah and its leader Hassan Nasrallah for "sacrificing their lives for the country."

During a press conference held in wake of the Qana village incident in which 55 Lebanese were killed, Siniora asked: "Is Israel's mission to wipe out the Lebanese? It seems they want to kill all of us. One of those killed today is a baby just one day old. With its aggression, Israel is encouraging extremism." ...

Siniora repeatedly stressed his desire to reach a ceasefire, and called on the UN Security Council to meet immediately and act on the issue.

The Lebanese prime minister added that he esteems those who fell in "the defense of Lebanon,"' and said that his government is doing everything to strengthen its stance. He even expressed his "full admiration for Nasrallah and all those who sacrifice their lives for Lebanon."

Under any rational view of the situation, Saniora should decry the deliberate sacrifice of southern Lebanon and its denizens to the radical terrorism of Hezbollah -- that is, if Saniora didn't sympathize with Hezbollah's aims. It appears that he does, which calls into question the notion that Lebanon itself isn't primarily responsible for this act of war, and isn't getting the response it deserves.

We already know that Lebanon has ultimate responsibility for acts carried out by militias it tolerates on its land, but the assumption was that Saniora didn't disband Hezbollah out of inability. Statements such as these make it appear that Saniora didn't want to disband Hezbollah under any circumstances. That makes Saniora more overtly responsible for the act of war, and it frees Israel to target Lebanese military assets on a much broader basis.

Israel won't do that, and for good reasons, even if Saniora deserves it. Ehud Olmert can beat Hezbollah by making it clear to the Lebanese that supporting the terrorists come at too high a price. Once they get the message, Lebanon has to have enough capability left to eject Hezbollah and strip them of their weapons. If Israel crushes the Lebanese army, Hezbollah will not only never get disarmed, but they may just conduct a coup and take over Beirut altogether.

It's a tough balancing act. However, if Saniora continues to salute Hassan Nasrallah and his terrorists, the Israelis will discount Saniora altogether and conclude that he wants to be part of the problem and not the solution. At that point, the Lebanese may find a much wider war on their hands.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at July 30, 2006 7:27 PM

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» Lebanese PM Thanks Hezbollah from Flopping Aces
As the recent bombing in Lebanon has shown, using civilians as cover is a cowardly pathetic act.  Not surprising that a terrorist group would conduct themselves in this manner but disgusting nonetheless.  One thing the left is forgetting abo... [Read More]

Tracked on July 30, 2006 9:24 PM

» Lebanon is Dead from Sierra Faith
When Prime Minister Fuoad Siniora applauds Hezbollah. . . . [Read More]

Tracked on July 31, 2006 3:36 AM

» Siniora Praises Hizbullah from Liberty and Justice
Let me get this straight: Siniora, who claims to be in favor of democracy and opposed to extremism, praises Hizbullah for dragging Lebanon into a war with the most powerful country in the region: Israel. Siniora praises Hizbullah for firing rockets at ... [Read More]

Tracked on July 31, 2006 5:43 AM

» Israel and Hezbollah - An Operational Pause from Strategic Outlook Institute - Weblog
Israel has agreed to a 48-hour pause in air attacks and a 24-hour pause in ground attacks following the destruction in Cana (Qana). What does this mean for the conflict? First, it gives Israel the opportunity to take a breather after two weeks of co... [Read More]

Tracked on July 31, 2006 5:56 AM

» Just in Time from The Right Nation
John Hinderaker, su Powerline, ha qualche domanda interessante su questo striscione anti-americano comparso misteriosamente davanti all'edificio di Cana dove ieri sarebbero morti oltre 50 civili, appena poche ore dopo il bombardamento israeliano che ... [Read More]

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» First Cup 07.31.06 from bRight & Early
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» The Devils In The Details from Hard Starboard
Can we be frank about this? Hezbollah IS the Lebanese army, just as Hezbollah pretty much IS the Lebanese government. Any alleged "Lebanese army" force would be completely shot through and infiltrated with Hezbo terrorists provided fresh cover by the... [Read More]

Tracked on August 1, 2006 2:57 AM


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