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August 12, 2006
Northern Alliance Radio At The County Fair

Mitch and I will be broadcasting from the Dakota County Fair today in our return to the 1-3 pm CT time slot on the Northern Alliance Radio Network. Brian, Chad, and John will be broadcasting from the air-conditioned bunker at their normal time of 11 am - 1 pm CT, but then again, they won't get food on sticks! King, meanwhile, is taking today off to cook up his new show which starts next week at 3 pm, when Michael Broadkorb joins him for NARN 3 - The Revenge Of The Sith. (Did I get that title right?)

Be sure to come out to the fair to see us today, and bring plenty of food on sticks. Mitch can never get enough.

UPDATE: We had a great time at the fair. It's much more relaxed than the state fair, which we will do on both weekends, four shows in all. In our last segment, we got surprised by two Marine sergeants who came to our booth on a tram to tell us about their pull-up contest. We found out that the two will also be at the state fair, as the Marine Corps will sponsor the NARN, and they plan to have a pull-up contest there as well. They were great fun in the last segment, and we'll get them to do some air time with us at the state fair.

Best line: when we asked them what happens to the losers in the contest, one replied, "We send them to the Navy." I suspect SwabJockey will have something to say abou that ...

As the FM and I checked out the fair after the show, we went by the booth and watched as they tried to encourage teenagers to get up and try some pullups, and their enthusiasm drew a pretty decent crowd. We walked on after a few minutes, but one of the men we interviewed chased me down and gave me a cap and t-shirt as a gift. He gave me a set for Mitch, too, but I'll let you know if I remember to give them up.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at August 12, 2006 10:55 AM

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