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August 12, 2006
Nasrallah Endorses Cease Fire ... Sort Of

Hassan Nasrallah has made a less-than-enthusiastic endorsement of the UN Security Council cease-fire resolution, promising to argue for modifications in the Lebanese Cabinet meeting taking place in hours to formulate an answer to Turtle Bay. Nasrallah objects to the arms embargo placed on Hezbollah, and vows to continue his "jihadic" responsibilities towards Israel:

Hizbullah Leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah said on Saturday that if a UN-endorsed agreement were reached that would end the hostilities, then his organization would abide by it.

In a televised speech on Hizbullah-run al-Manar television, he said that he would allow for the deployment of the Lebanese army, augmented by UNIFIL forces, to deploy in southern Lebanon.

Still, he said he had some reservations against the resolution, but noted he would bring those up at the Lebanese cabinet meeting that would be convened on Saturday evening. His strongest reservation was against the arms embargo that the cease-fire agreement called for. ...

He warned that his organization would continue to "exercise its right" to defend the country from "Israeli aggression." He noted that the Israeli military activity continued, under American approval, in order to gain territorial accomplishments before the cease-fire would go into effect.

In such a case, Nasrallah said, Hizbullah would not cease its actions against "the Zionist enemy." We will continue to "fulfill our national and jihadic obligations."

I think the mousetrap has been set. The UNSC will not agree to modifications by either party, and if Hezbollah continues to attack Israel as Nasrallah promises, the next efforts will not end at the Litani. Further, if anyone breaks the arms embargo, then the game is back on.

We'll see.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at August 12, 2006 10:40 AM

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» Hezbollah’s Real Propaganda War Just Beginning from Strategic Outlook Institute - Weblog
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» “Peace in Our Time” from Publius Rendezvous
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