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August 29, 2006
Name The Secret Holder

The Club For Growth has a new poll on the identity of the Secret Holder -- the Senator who placed an anonymous hold on S.2590, the federal budget database for public scrutiny sponsored by Tom Coburn and Barack Obama. The early voting has Ted "Bridge To Nowhere" Stevens, the man who demanded that his pork pass Congress or he would say "A-beeble-a-beeble-a That's All, Folks!", in the lead, but the Club has several other leading candidates as possibilities.

Quite frankly, I believe we are looking at this from the wrong perspective. We're trying to figure out who would put an anonymous hold on legislation that promises a new era of openness and transparency in government. Perhaps we should consider the obvious choices of Senators who would not commit such a cowardly act. If your count looks anything like mine, it's a depressing but revealing exercise.

While CQ readers contemplate the polls, think about this: if you could ask the Senate leadership a single question, what would it be? Make sure you post the question to the comments section.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at August 29, 2006 6:43 AM

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