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September 9, 2006
Blogger In Fight For His Life

Michael van der Galien writes about his Liberty and Justice co-blogger Isaac Schrodinger and his legal fight to avoid deportation from Canada to Pakistan. Isaac is a Muslim apostate; he has provided a consistent critical voice against radical Islam, seeing the dangers of its totalitarian nature.

Now, however, Canada has started deportation hearings [not quite -- see update below] against Schrodinger, and he is trying to claim refugee status. He's having a difficult time convincing Canadian authorities of the danger he faces if compulsorily returned to his native Lahore. Their immigration office is not convinced that Isaac will suffer any harm if deported, and he's frantically trying to assemble evidence. If you have any objective reporting on the fate of apostates in Pakistan, now would be a good time to contact Isaac or Michael at Liberty and Justice.

I think we understand Isaac's danger, even if Canadian authorities do not. If you cannot provide any evidence, at least give Isaac your support. (via The Moderate Voice)

UPDATE: Minor update from Isaac -- his final hearing on refugee status is scheduled for early 2007, at which point Canada can start deportation hearings if he fails to convince them to let him stay. So far, they appear difficult to convince, but he isn't facing deportation .... yet.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at September 9, 2006 10:22 AM

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Note: Do to the life-and-death importance of the subject matter this post will remain at the top of the Old War Dogs site at least through Monday. Scroll down for newer posts. Actually posted 2006.09.09.13:36. Please read this, follow the [Read More]

Tracked on September 9, 2006 2:17 PM


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