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November 1, 2006
Provocateur Ejected For Provoking

A man who bragged about becoming a provocateur now claims victimization when he fulfilled the promises he made on his website. Mike Stark, a liberal blogger and a law student, tried to rush George Allen and yelled a question about Allen purportedly spitting on his first wife. Hot Air posted the video last night, and the AP reports on his intentions:

Mike Stark, a liberal blogger and first-year University of Virginia law student, approached Allen at an event in Charlottesville, loudly asking, "Why did you spit at your first wife, George?" according to witnesses.

Three men, all wearing blue Allen lapel stickers, immediately grabbed Stark, dragged him backward and slung him to the carpet outside a hotel meeting room, according to video captured by WVIR-TV in Charlottesville.

Allen's campaign said in a news release that Stark "aggressively went after Senator Allen ... screaming that he answer inappropriate questions." ...

In a Monday posting on "Calling All Wingnuts," the blog Stark publishes, he hinted that he would attempt to provoke Allen before the TV cameras.

"Im also trying to `Roger and Me' George Allen whenever I can," Stark wrote, referring to director Michael Moore's 1989 documentary in which he repeatedly tried to confront former General Motors' chief executive Roger Smith about the company's downsizing.

Given American political history, someone who rushes up and onto the backs of campaign workers while yelling at a candidate is going to get screened off, and that's exactly what the men tried to do with Stark. He tried to push his way past them, and that's when they shoved him away, tackling him when he tried to push through them again, shouting at Allen all the while.

And what was so important? Stark wanted to know if Allen had ever spit on his first wife.

Oh, puh-leeeeeeze. Obviously, Stark has an excellent career ahead of him chasing ambulances and advertising for slip-and-fall con artists on late-night television. I guess the Left thinks that they need to defend the honor of Allen's ex-wife, and that the 22-year-old divorce somehow has relevance to the Senate campaign.

Allen's ex-wife does not agree:

Allen's former wife, Anne Waddell, issued a statement calling Stark's question "a baseless, cheap shot."

Waddell, who lives in California, said she and Allen divorced more than 22 years ago, and because it was a personal matter they sealed the divorce records.

Jon Henke has a few links to Stark's posts at Daily Kos at the AllenHQ blog. It seems very clear that Stark has nothing better to offer Virginians than childish taunts and personal attacks, just the kind of electoral tactics that Virginians have witnessed in abundance in this cycle. Stark wants to emulate Michael Moore, but at least in Roger and Me, Moore had a reasonable motivation; he wanted to confront Roger Smith about factory closures in Flint that put a lot of people out of work. Stark wants to know about marital spittle.

This would be a great parody of Leftist activism, if Stark hadn't actually done it. Virginians can look at this and determine which party they believe represents them best. If it's the Marital Spittle Party, then apparently James Webb is the candidate. Otherwise, Virginians may want to stick with George Allen and the Republicans.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at November 1, 2006 4:56 AM

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