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A Saudi Arabian court has passed sentence in a brutal rape in which attackers kidnapped a woman, pulled her into their car, and gang-raped her while one of the men used a mobile phone to videotape the attack. The verdict? Guilty -- for the woman, for the crime of being alone with men to whom she was not married:
A Saudi court has sentenced a gang rape victim to 90 lashes of the whip because she was alone in a car with a man to whom she was not married.The sentence was passed at the end of a trial in which the al- Qateef high criminal court convicted four Saudis convicted of the rape, sentencing them to prison terms and a total of 2,230 lashes. ...
Saudi courts take marital status into account in sexual crimes. A male friend of the rape victim was also sentenced to 90 lashes for being alone with her in the car.
The court heard that the victim and her friend were followed by the assailants to their car, kidnapped and taken to a remote farm, where the raping occurred.
The victim and her friend, both kidnapped, got 90 lashes each. One of the perpetrators received a sentence of 80 lashes, which means that rape and kidnapping generate less punishment for the criminals than being a victim.
In all, the men received sentences between one to five years and between 80 and 1,000 lashes. The brutality of lashing aside, the amount of prison time assigned for kidnapping and rape is mind-bogglingly low. The Saudis execute people for drug trafficking, but rape a woman and the worst they can do is five years. Some rapists can escape with a year in prison. I wonder if they even bothered to confiscate the mobile phone.
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Saudi Justice: Whip The VictimEd Morrissey A Saudi Arabian court has passed sentence in a brutal rape in which attackers kidnapped a woman, pulled her into their car, and gang-raped her while one of the men used a mobile phone [Read More]
Tracked on November 3, 2006 10:10 AM
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