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My good friend John Hinderaker links to a CBS report about the latest entertainment coming from al-Qaeda this evening, as do some of our mutual friends in the conservative blogosphere, that hails the Democratic midterm victory as a "reasonable" move. Abu Hamza al-Muhajir had plenty to say in the new videotape released from an undisclosed location in Iraq, but the wonder is that anyone pays any attention to it. Here's the portion in question:
The terror group also welcomed the U.S. Republican electoral defeat that led to the departure of Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and vowed to continue its fight until the White House is blown up.In the tape, al-Muhajir praised the outcome of Tuesday's elections in which Democrats swept to power in the House and the Senate, in large part due to U.S. voter dissatisfaction over the handling of the war in Iraq.
"The American people have put their feet on the right path by ... realizing their president's betrayal in supporting Israel," the terror leader said. "So they voted for something reasonable in the last elections." He did not explain his logic.
Actually, Zarqawi's successor had a lot more to say about America and Americans. He also called George Bush the "most stupid President" in history, and he requested that Bush stick around in Iraq because AQ terrorists hadn't killed their fill of Americans. It's the kind of stupid rant that makes radical Islamists and their sympathizers swoon with delight, but is filled with hyperbole and crude attempts at psychological warfare and propaganda. They try to play into the mood of their enemies, and they demonstrate their ability to monitor news feeds in their attempts to provoke Americans across the political spectrum.
That's one reason why it's a mistake to allow them to succeed, but there are more as well.
Radical Islamists want to divide Americans in order to defeat us. They will play on our differences, stoking the fires of resentment and generating more hatred between us than we have against our enemies. AQ understands that the only way they can possibly beat the US is to get us to grind to a halt with partisan warfare at home, paralyzing our ability to fight them on the battlefield and sapping our will to put them out of business. This video is transparently calculated to give enough ammunition to both sides of the political divide to do that job. Besides, if we take Abu Hamza at his word about the Democrats, then we have to take him at his word about Bush as well, and about our troops.
The partisan sniping has ceased to be germane. We've already had the election, and the Democrats are in charge -- and they will be for two years no matter what. Obviously, we will watch closely to ensure that they do not surrender to terrorism, but I'm not going to take Abu Hamza's word that they will before their majority session even starts. They are Americans, and Americans put them in charge, and they have earned the right to show us how they will face the enemy now that they control the agenda. If they fail, I'll be the first to castigate them for losing ground to the terrorists. However, I'm going to base that on their actions, and not on the word of a murderous thug who couldn't care less whether their American victims are Democrats, Republicans, Greens, Libertarians, or LaRouchists.
The reality is that we cannot win the war on terror without the Democrats after these midterm elections. Rather than continue with antagonizing rhetoric, we'd better find ways to engage them rationally in this effort if we want to survive. I'm hoping we can find common ground with them now that they have the responsibility to govern. If we can't, then let's criticize them for their actual failures, and not get so intent on grasping at any way to attack them that we start becoming repeater stations for the ravings of genocidal lunatics.
UPDATE: I have extended the debate to another post. Be sure to read through all of the comments as well.
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» Iraq Al Qaeda Chief Says Democrat Victory A Step In Right Direction from Stop The ACLU
Update: The boasting increases as Al Qaeda claims to have 12,000 troops in Iraq and gloat they are winning.
If the ACLU saying Rumsfeld’s resignation was a step in the right direction was not enough for some people to realize it was a step in ... [Read More]
Tracked on November 10, 2006 11:42 PM
» Democratic Election Celebrations - Illustrated! from Doug Ross @ Journal
An easy-to-read scrapbook of various reactions to the Democratic victories in the midterm Congressional elections... [Read More]
Tracked on November 11, 2006 7:43 AM
» And the Discussion of Partisanship Continues (in a Different Form) from PoliBlog (TM): A Rough Draft of my Thoughts
Let’s set aside the talk radio discussion for a moment, and move to the question of who to tackle the fact al Qaeda has released some propaganda hailing the Democrat’s win on Tuesday.
There are various ways to deal with this.
I would argu... [Read More]
Tracked on November 11, 2006 11:08 AM
» And the Discussion of Partisanship Continues (in a Different Form) from Outside The Beltway | OTB
Let’s set aside the talk radio discussion for a moment, and move to the question of how to tackle the fact al Qaeda has released some propaganda hailing the Democrat’s win on Tuesday.
There are various ways to deal with this.
I would argu... [Read More]
Tracked on November 11, 2006 11:21 AM
» Advice From The Captain On Surviving The Midterms from Stop The ACLU
For those down and out about the election results, Captain Ed has some very sound advice on surviving the midterms and how to go forward.
Depression and anxiety is natural, but we should not wallow in it, because it doesn’t produce anything po... [Read More]
Tracked on November 11, 2006 1:26 PM
» Sunday Link-apalooza from Mind in the Qatar
It is grey and drizzly, and a cold wind is blowing...much like the GOPs near term prospects.
So here are a bunch of good links for staying inside and reading..... [Read More]
Tracked on November 12, 2006 5:35 PM


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