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November 13, 2006
The Definition Of Political Insanity ...

... is electing the same leadership after an embarrassing failure and expecting a different result. Robert Novak explores this weird psychosis that will apparently afflict the Republican House caucus this week, as it prepares to return John Boehner and Roy Blunt to their current leadership positions, now in the minority:

The depleted House Republican caucus, a minority in the next Congress, convenes at 8 a.m. in the Capitol Friday on the brink of committing an act of supreme irrationality. The House members blame their leadership for tasting the bitter dregs of defeat. Yet, the consensus so far is that, in secret ballot, they will re-elect some or all of those leaders.

In private conversation, Republican members of Congress blame Majority Leader John Boehner and Majority Whip Roy Blunt in no small part for their midterm election debacle. Yet, either Boehner, Blunt or both are expected to be returned to their leadership posts Friday. For good reason, the GOP often is called "the stupid party."

Denny Hastert retired from party leadership, ahead of the presumptive Republican posse that would have strung him up -- figuratively speaking, of course. Now Republicans have to wonder whether Denny would have gotten the nod as well, had he campaigned for a specific position. Despite the common wisdom that the GOP threw away its majority in an orgy of federal spending and lobbyist influence, the caucus appears unwilling to part from those ways.

First off, the Republicans are holding this election much too soon. The party needs to digest the loss, the data that resulted from it, and determine how best to recover its majority. Holding a leadership election before that process amounts to putting the cart before the horse. New leadership eliminates the possibility of having that debate in any meaningful fashion. Instead of electing leadership that will support the new, revamped agenda, we will get an agenda that meets the requirements of the new leadership -- two very different propositions.

If they insist on holding these elections so quickly, then Republicans should understand that they have no choice but to jettison their current leadership. Re-electing Boehner, Blunt, and the entire slate will be tantamount to an endorsement of the same failed policies that lost the GOP the midterms. They're not bad people, but they failed to protect the Republican majority. Even worse, they failed to protect the legacy of 1994, and at least stood by while the party gave up reform for naked power grabs, through earmarks and sleazy deals with lobbyists.

Is that the leadership that Republicans will trust to lead them to victory?

A number of bloggers have created a slate of questions for the leadership candidates at The Truth Laid Bear, along with a list of the candidates themselves. These are the questions that the entire caucus should be asking themselves before electing any leadership at all. We'll have to settle for them being asked of the candidates instead, and hopefully we can cure the caucus of this strange, masochistic affliction before the damage becomes permanent.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at November 13, 2006 6:52 AM

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» Pelosi’s new rules……………..Will Democrats buy in? from stikNstein....has no mercy
THE HONEST LEADERSHIP AND OPEN GOVERNMENT ACT The Majority party gets to make the rules. They are passed by a simple majority vote. If you are a true conservative, rules should not be a problem. Among the reasons Republicans got dissed in the last el... [Read More]

Tracked on November 13, 2006 9:18 AM

» Republicans Set To Compound Mistakes from Riehl World View
According to Robert Novak, the Republican House members are re-electing mostly the same leadership that led them to minority status:In private conversation, Republican members of Congress blame Majority Leader John Boehner and Majority Whip Roy Blunt i... [Read More]

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» Republicans aka The Stupid Party from The Real Ugly
If the GOP members of the house re-elect Blunt and Boehner they deserve to lose again in 2008. Ditto for making Mitch McConnel the minority leader in the Senate and resurrecting Trent Lott. ... [Read More]

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» Web Reconnaissance for 11/13/2006 from The Thunder Run
A short recon of what’s out there that might draw your attention. [Read More]

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» The Definition Of Political Insanity ... from Bill's Bites
The Definition Of Political Insanity ...Ed Morrissey ... is electing the same leadership after an embarrassing failure and expecting a different result. Robert Novak explores this weird psychosis that will apparently afflict the Republican House caucus... [Read More]

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» Questions for the Leadership from Hang Right Politics
As the House Republicans get set to re-elect the same bunch of useless leaders, Truth Laid Bear has a list of questions for them. I didn’t ask my question: “Are you insane?” I don’t ask questions if I can’t handle the ans... [Read More]

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» Piggybacking Ed Morrisey from MY Vast Right Wing Conspiracy
Go and read his piece about the party re-electing Boehner and Blunt (the dull, dull, dull, DC insider from my home state, Mizzou. He’s a twat, as they say where I come from). Re-electing Boehner, Blunt, and the entire slate will be tantamount to... [Read More]

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First we must deal with the elephant in the room. Not just any elephant, but the wounded, clinically depressed, angry, bipolar, borderline psychotic elephant that is the GOP today. [Read More]

Tracked on November 16, 2006 1:36 AM


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