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November 15, 2006
Profiles In Courage, Democrat Leadership Version

Charles Rangel on Monday:

"My kind of politics is, if you do your job, you are supposed to be rewarded ... I think Steny [Hoyer] has done his job. I cannot think of any reason why this [John Murtha's challenge] is happening."

Charles Rangel on Tuesday:

Pelosi called incoming Ways and Means Committee chairman Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.) yesterday morning just hours after he had told the New York Sun, “I think Steny has done his job. I cannot think of any reason why this is happening,” prompting the paper to run the headline “Rangel Backs Hoyer for Leader.”

“I don’t know what article she had seen, but she had thought it was an endorsement of Steny,” Rangel said.

Rangel told her it was not an endorsement but reiterated his earlier statement that “nobody had given me any reason not to support Steny.”

Golly, what will Charles Rangel say today?

Let's make sure we have this correct. Rangel's idea of politics is that if you do your job, you keep your job. Unless, of course, the Party demands that you vote for someone else, in which case your judgment is overruled. Is that what Rangel says now? Daniel Freedman at It Shines For All notes that Rangel apparently was for Hoyer before he was against him, a dynamic that we have seen Democrats embody frequently.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at November 15, 2006 6:52 AM

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