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NOTE: Be sure to read the updates.
It seems that the troops who got "stuck in Iraq", according to John Kerry, have not accepted the explanation Kerry gave for his little joke before the midterm elections. Radio host Scott Hennen got an e-mail from a serviceman in Iraq that shows Kerry having a private lunch in a mess hall full of soldiers:
"This is a true story.....Check out this photo from our mess hall at the US Embassy yesterday morning. Sen. Kerry found himself all alone while he was over here. He cancelled his press conference because no one came, he worked out alone in the gym w/o any soldiers even going up to say hi or ask for an autograph (I was one of those who was in the gym at the same time), and he found himself eating breakfast with only a couple of folks who are obviously not troops. ..."
Check out Scott's page to see the photo. It's apparent that no one took much interest in the visiting Senator, who swears that he doesn't think our fighting men and women are uneducated and/or lazy. I don't think we'll be seeing a lot of photo ops from Kerry's visit. (via Power Line)
UPDATE: Via Michelle Malkin, TPM Muckraker, and CQ commenter Dirk, there is some question as to whether Hennen's photo is of Kerry's visit to Iraq. The embedded data in the JPG file shows a date of January 9, 2006, not anytime in December. However, it also shows that the photo was taken with a Vivitar Vivicam 8400 digital camera, a model that wasn't released until February 13, 2006. The date could have been entered wrong in the camera itself, or it could be that the default date is 1/1/2006 and the owner never updated it after powering it up the first time. If so, then the picture was taken five days after that point.
Still, this is obviously questionable enough to flag readers of a lack of confidence in the authenticity of the picture.
UPDATE II: Much ado about nothing. As I suspected, the photographer simply didn't set the date on his camera, and other photos taken at the same time confirm the original story. See Michelle Malkin (same link) and Power Line for details.
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» Kerry, Rangel and our Troops from Wake up America
Personally I cannot believe Kerry would have the audacity to go to Iraq at all. Our soldiers should not have to be in his company if they do not wish to. I am glad none of them showed up for his little "press conference", THAT is a statement Mr. Kerr... [Read More]
Tracked on December 27, 2006 12:59 PM
» Kerry Going Stag at Party from Church and State
If Kerry's staff were smart, they'd just admit it was from his Christmas trip and add the following caption: "Sen. Kerry excuses himself from the presence of soldiers in Iraq to prepare a speech. Here, he looks with passion at the morons who couldn't... [Read More]
Tracked on December 29, 2006 11:07 AM


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