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It's hard to get surprised by Leftist characterizations of conservatives as fascists The epithet flows so freely that even members of the Senate have used it, the last time by an ex-Klansman. The latest version of the insult comes from George Soros, speaking at the Davos Economic Forum last week about the situation in Iraq. Claiming that the US needs to cleanse itself from conservatives, Soros compared the process necessary to that used by the US in Germany:
He went on to say that Turkey and Japan are still hurt by a reluctance to admit to dark parts of their history, and contrasted that reluctance to Germany's rejection of its Nazi-era past. "America needs to follow the policies it has introduced in Germany," Soros said. "We have to go through a certain de-Nazification process."
This is highly inflammatory and, quite frankly, anti-American. We do not purge people from the political process here. We use elections and free speech to determine the policies the nation wants implemented, and we elect our leaders on the basis of a free and unfettered franchise. Equating Republicans to Nazis and then suggesting that the government impose a process to exclude them from public office makes Soros much more of a fascist than anything he decries.
And of course, just like the rest of the private-jet Leftists, Soros didn't have the nerve to say this in the US -- where he would have generated an avalanche of bad publicity for anyone attached to his checkbook.
The New York Post, which reported this yesterday, notes that Soros has given heavily to Barack Obama's campaign after spending $26 million in a futile effort to defeat George Bush in 2004. Will Obama endorse his patron's call to "de-Nazify" the United States? (via McQ at QandO)
UPDATE: Interesting debate in the comments, and in the blogosphere as well. Supposedly those offended by Soros' comments are only attempting to cover our own complicity in the oppressive Bush administration -- you know, the one twice voted into office by the American electorate. The counterargument is that Soros meant that we need some kind of process for national reconciliation.
Well, if so, he chose the wrong example, and Soros knows better than to confuse de-Nazification with the South African Truth Commission. The latter was used to establish a commonly-accepted historical record of the abuses of the apartheid regime, the better to promote healing for the newly liberated South African state. De-Nazification was the systematic removal of Nazi party officials from German public life, the price that they paid for supporting a tyrannical and genocidal regime. Even suggesting that such a process is necessary for the United States is clearly meant as an attack on the Republican Party, even at its most symbolic interpretation.
As far as equating Soros' rhetoric with the accusation that Democrats are all traitors for opposing the war, I tend to agree. However, I don't indulge in that kind of character assassination, and it doesn't excuse it from Soros in any case.
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» Right Wing Avoids Accountability By Attacking Soros from Liberal Values
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Tracked on February 3, 2007 5:01 PM
» The Face of the Left: George Soros from The Virtuous Republic
I saw this at the Captain's Quarters. At Davos, Switzerland last week, George Soros, who spend $26 million of his own money to defeat George Bush in 2004, must have forgotten about the internet. Here is what the New York Post wrote: [Read More]
Tracked on February 3, 2007 6:20 PM
» Soros: America Needs a Little “De-Nazification” from The American Mind
It’s understandable in a sad way for a non-native like George Soros to not fully understand and appreciate his adopted nation. To him the United States is more a place to make money, be a celebrity, and live the good life. He doesn’t have t... [Read More]
Tracked on February 3, 2007 8:33 PM
» Moonbat extraordinaire George Soros equates the Bush administration to the Third Reich from Sister Toldjah
I’ve documented at least two instances where MoveOn.org moneyman George Soros has compared the administration to Nazi Germany, and he’s up to it again, escalating his rhetoric against the administration by - for at least the third time - eq... [Read More]
Tracked on February 3, 2007 8:54 PM
» George Soros ought to know about Nazis from Macsmind - Conservative Commentary and Common Sense
George Soros is back in the news again calling for us - meaning the United States - to go through a “de-nazification process”.
Well, George ought to know about Nazis. As he is touted as a “survivor” of the Nazis of WWII, in f... [Read More]
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» There Should Be No Doubt About What This Man Really Believes from Hang Right Politics
George Soros , that is:
But last week at Davos, Soros made folks like Gwyneth Paltrow and Sean Penn look downright patriotic. After asserting that the United States is recognizing the error it made in Iraq, Soros said, “To what extent it recogniz... [Read More]
Tracked on February 5, 2007 4:36 AM
» THE FOURTH REICH from Word Around the Net
Now, some are crying "he said America is nazi!!!!" which is not exactly true. Soros' point is that he believes the GOP majority for 4 years in congress combined with a Bush presidency was so pernicious and corrosive to America that like a country that ... [Read More]
Tracked on February 5, 2007 12:47 PM


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