March 1, 2007

CPAC, The Silly Season

So far, we've spent most of our morning getting to know one another and prepping for some of the more anticipated events scheduled for later. I've been sitting between Jane and Mary Katherine Ham while I've prepped for my interview with Mike Huckabee, which means I'm having way too much fun. However, we're not the only ones getting silly. So far, we've seen someone in a dolphin costume handing out anti-Mitt literature, someone else handing out Mitt flip-flops, and a line of men about a mile deep to see Michelle Malkin.

I'm hoping to get pictures of the lighter moments, and I'll post them back here when I do.


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» CPAC 2007 Round Up from Life of the Party
Today begins CPAC 2007. CPAC is the annual 3 day Conservative Political Action Conference. Every known Republican presidential candidate for '08 will address the large crowd...except John McCain, who has trouble gaining traction with conservatives, so ... [Read More]

» CPAC 2007 Round Up from Life of the Party
Today begins CPAC 2007. CPAC is the annual 3 day Conservative Political Action Conference. Every known Republican presidential candidate for '08 will address the crowd of approximiately 5,000 conservative activists...except John McCain, who has trouble... [Read More]