March 31, 2007

Day Two Of Transplant

Nothing much new to report on Day Two of the new transplant. The First Mate has been moved to a regular room, and her vital signs continue to look good. She didn't want a lot of conversation today, so as I remarked earlier, my sister and I mostly worked on our computers and watched Bob Newhart Show DVDs. The FM just wanted the company, and has mostly rested or slept the entire day.

I visited the donor and his wife for a while today, until he tired out this afternoon. He's doing remarkably well. They still think he may go home tomorrow, but if not, Monday at the latest. He's looking forward to the NCAA semifinals tonight, and I think he's hoping for a Florida-Ohio State matchup in the finals. He'll get more rest tonight and we will all get together tomorrow.

For those who are interested in the technical details, which are all looking excellent, the new kidney produces around 300-400 cc of urine each hour. The FM's blood pressure has been excellent, but her blood sugar has been high. That's not indicating a problem with her pancreas, but a normal reaction to the high doses of steroids she gets in the first few days after surgery. Except for some nausea, everything has been going according to plan.


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Comments (10)

Posted by simkeith [TypeKey Profile Page] | March 31, 2007 5:53 PM

I'm glad to hear that the first mate is doing so well. Both of you are in our prayers. I missed you on the radio to day....well the internet feed anyway. Mitch needs you there as a stabilizer sometimes LOL. God bless.

Posted by dougf [TypeKey Profile Page] | March 31, 2007 7:49 PM

Wishing you and the FM all continued 'good' results. I hope you have both seen just about the last of hospitals for a very long while.

Posted by Pasco Conservative [TypeKey Profile Page] | March 31, 2007 8:00 PM

It's good to hear that the First Mate is doing so well. The prayers are working. We will be praying for her and the donor.

Have a happy and blessed Palm Sunday.

Posted by RBMN [TypeKey Profile Page] | March 31, 2007 8:19 PM

I think Ricardo would rather be watching "I Love Lucy" reruns.

Posted by lexhamfox [TypeKey Profile Page] | March 31, 2007 9:13 PM

Excellent news. Hope things keep going well for her.

Posted by DiscerningTexan [TypeKey Profile Page] | April 1, 2007 12:02 AM

It is miraculous what medical science can do these days. When my grandmother--who I visited in hospice today--was born (in 1906) people were still riding horses around and they had not even discovered penicillin. Now we are landing on Comets, cloning cats, and discussing heart transplans with virtual comrades-in-arms thousands of miles away via laptop computer. Life is wonderful and amazing.

I am so glad things are going so well with the First Mate. God bless.

Posted by manfromnyc [TypeKey Profile Page] | April 1, 2007 12:47 AM

Praying for the FM and the donor.

Posted by Adjoran [TypeKey Profile Page] | April 1, 2007 1:30 AM

God bless the First Mate. My continued prayers for her, the donor and family, and YOU, especially when she finds out you're putting the details of her urine production on the internet.

You're lucky to have such a lady, and even luckier they don't stock hospital rooms with cast iron cookware - lest your forehead bear the trademark.

Posted by Jabba the Tutt [TypeKey Profile Page] | April 1, 2007 7:58 AM

How do they measure the urine output? And is it good urine, so they can tell the kidney's working? God Bless you, FM and the donor and his family. Not to mention the great doc's and nurses.

Posted by Candace [TypeKey Profile Page] | April 1, 2007 12:03 PM

Good news about your First Mate. Your family as well as the donor's are in my thoughts & prayers.