April 24, 2007

Hot Air Turns One

Happy anniversary to Michelle, Bryan, Allahpundit, and Ian, as Hot Air celebrates its first anniversary. Michelle writes:

This is the very first business I’ve ever run. The experience has deepened my already abiding respect for entrepreneurs small and large. It ain’t easy. Not everyone has the intestinal fortitude to attempt to create something from nothing, if I may say so. It takes a great leap of faith–and I’m grateful to all the members of the Hot Air team who took that leap with me.

The risks are great, but the rewards can be, too. And not just financial rewards. Hot Air is not just a business. It’s a mission. I intentionally brought together an eclectic group of incredibly talented people to bring something new to the blogosphere. One of the things, I think, that makes this site compelling and interesting to read and watch every day is that we have diverse views and diverse personalities here. If you want standard GOP talking points, if you want uniformity of thought, if you want a comfy echo chamber, you know you are in the wrong place.

It's no secret that I read Hot Air constantly through the day, not just for the stories it highlights, but for its unique voice. It blends the sensibilities and viewpoints of its various authors and transforms into a tone and voice that differs from all of them. They have made their site a must-read just for the fun of what they do. In fact, it's hard to believe it's only been a year since their launch.

Congratulations to my friends at Hot Air, and we can't wait to see what Year 2 will bring!


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Comments (2)

Posted by DavePA [TypeKey Profile Page] | April 24, 2007 7:13 AM

Congratulations to Michelle and her terrific team. They're doing an awesome job! I've enjoyed Hot Air since my very first visit and look forward to many future visits.

Posted by Allah [TypeKey Profile Page] | April 24, 2007 7:21 AM

Thanks so much, Ed. It's very kind of you to say so.