Captain Ed is a father and grandfather living in the Twin Cities area of Minnesota, a native Californian who moved to the North Star State because of the weather. He lives with his wife Marcia, also known as the First Mate, their two dogs, and frequently watch their granddaughter Kayla, whom Captain Ed calls The Little Admiral.
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The Crows Nest
Rule 1: Drag The Corpse On Over First
If I've learned anything in four years of blogging, don't try to be out in front of the death rumors, especially with the villains of the world. Saddam died a hundred deaths before we caught him alive in his spider hole, and Abu Musab al-Zarqawi almost as many before his demise last year. Osama may or may not be alive, but everyone's avoided speculating on his fate for a while now. Maybe Val at Babalu Blog will get luckier with his "Castro Is Dead" story. We all hope so. I'll wait for the announcement ....
Hobbs Choice
Volunteer Voters is holding its annual "Best of Nashville" on-line polls, and one of the categories is for the best political writer. Our friend Bill Hobbs, now posting at Newsbusters, and he'd like his on-line fans to cast their votes. Drop by and put one in for Bill if you get a chance!
Murtha Getting Backlogged On Apologies
Gary Gross of Let Freedom Ring sees another case collapsing on the Haditha charges. He's called for Murtha to apologize earlier, and adds another reason to the tally.
No Such Thing As 'Moderate' Islam?
Turkish PM Tayyip Erdogan told a television interviewer that he finds the label "moderate Islam" offensive. Shrink Wrapped has a lot more on this, but at least in the same interview Erdogan acknowledged that "radical Islam" exists, and that it's been a catastrophe. Be sure to read the whole post.
MS-NBC Gets Punk'd
Power Line has a great post on a lack of journalistic effort on the part of MS-NBC. In covering the Michael Vick story, they reported on what they thought was Al Sharpton's website proclaiming Vick's innocence. I guess Alex Johnson and two other MS-NBC reporters couldn't bother to read the title bar of the site, which proudly proclaims it as a "parody site".
New Instapundit Podcast On Pharmaceuticals
I just caught this e-mail from Glenn Reynolds about his new podcast with Richard Epstein, the author of Overdose: How Excessive Government Regulation Stifles Pharmaceutical Innovation. Haven't had a chance to listen to it yet, but the topic is important enough to make sure I carve out time for it tomorrow. Get their first and tell me what I'm missing ....
Fed Trying A 'Stealth Easing'?
The Federal Reserve seems to have conducted a quiet campaign to steady markets that started spinning out of control, according to King Banaian at SCSU Scholars. He thinks that the Fed has conducted a "stealth easing". Be sure to read his explanation and follow his lnks.
A Shameless Bit Of Sel-Promotion
Gateway Pundit and Val at Babalu Blog note a crass PR move by Hugo Chavez. Venezuela has responded to Peru's eathquake disaster with food shipments -- and with Hugo's smiling picture on the cans. He also uses the tuna-can label to undermine President Garcia of Peru, who narrowly defeated Chavez' pal Ollanto Humalla, whom the labels extol for his "solidarity" with Chavez.
Tacky beyond belief.
Bush Going After Palestinian Terror Financing?
George Bush's new orders to USAID forces them to review the executive management of all NGOs to ensure that they have no terrorist connections. Carl in Jerusalem says at Israel Matzav that the order specifically intends to target Palestinian front groups for terrorists. Let's hope he's right.
Slow Start!
Yes, I'm off to a slow start today, thanks to some scripting issues, a bad back, and an alarm clock that needs replacing. Bear with me -- I'm ramping up, I promise...
And Now, In Little League Action Last Night ...
I once played in a Little League game where we lost, 30-1, obviously before mercy rules came into being. The only comfort during that shellacking was that 13-year-olds don't have to justify their salaries for being on the field. You have to wonder what the Baltimore Orioles have to feel without that caveat today, after losing 30-3 to the Texas Rangers. Sixteen of the runs came in the last two innings .... (via TMV)
Bush Speech On Iraq
I got a couple of e-mails wondering why I haven't linked to George Bush's speech today. I liked it; I just didn't have much to add. Rush Limbaugh covered it well on his site, and Power Line also links approvingly but has nothing much more to say. Michael Goldfarb notes that the Weekly Standard had made a similar argument regarding Vietnam a year ago.
Rove Fears Me -- No, Really!
Hot Air notes the latest fundraising letter from John Edwards. No longer content to indulge his paranoia when Ann Coulter mentions him, now he wants to indulge it when Karl Rove doesn't. Has any candidate seemed this desperate before now?
Racism Or Hard Truth?
Angela Winters looks at an editorial cartoon and the controvery it has caused in Jacksonville, Florida, especially in the black community. Truth or racism? When rap artists tell young listeners not to cooperate with the police, how much responsibility do they have for the victimization that follows? Read all of the essay at The Moderate Voice.
Support Citizen Journalism
Bill Ardolino at INDC Journal reminds us that there is a reporter shortage on the front lines. The best way to solve that problem? Donate to Public Multimedia, the citizen-journalist organization that supports Bill Roggio, Bill Ardolino, and others. (And a direct donation to Michael Yon would be much appreciated as well.)
Comments (16)
Posted by Lightwave
| May 7, 2007 7:49 PM
I'm confident France will move past this. Sarkozy is what France needed. Just like Britain would not have survived intact as a world power under Roger Callaghan in 1979, France would not have survived Segolene Royal in 2007.
Just like America will not survive as a world power under the Dems in 2008. We have the same choice to make in this country next year.
Posted by Lightwave
| May 7, 2007 7:54 PM
James Callaghan, correction. Still, at this point why is everyone pretending the Dems will nominate somebody other than the doomed Hillary Not Rodham Anymore Clinton?
Posted by ANGELM
| May 7, 2007 7:55 PM
One of the reasons why France has such significant economic problems is that they have made it extremely difficult to fire workers.
Fortunately, in the United States it is possible to fire a worker without having to go to court and spend hundreds of thousands of dollars justifying the firing in front of a judge.
Captain Ed recently criticized Governor Tommy Thompson for indicating that he believed businesses should not have to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars explaining that they fired someone because they weren't doing a good job (a subjective determination on which people will always disagree) and that their sexual orientation had absolutely nothing to do with it. Of course, it is nearly impossible to get inside someone's mind to determine why someone was fired? Was it because of their hairstyle? Their age? Their sexual orientation?
Tommy Thompson said that it should be up to the business to decide whether to fire someone. Captain Ed took the French position without realizing it.
Posted by richard mcenroe
| May 7, 2007 8:17 PM
I understand Chirac's troops on the Ivory Coast pioneered some helicopter techniques that might be very useful around the banlieus,,,
Posted by jaxinman
| May 7, 2007 9:01 PM
My questions are 1) How many cars are there left in France? and 2) How much does auto insurance run in Paris?
just curious,
Posted by Lew
| May 7, 2007 9:48 PM
So let me see if I understand this deal. If the left comes out on the short end of a free election that sported an 85% turn out, they feel perfectly justified in burning the place down in some sort of what....protest?
Protest against who? The 53% of the 85% who voted against them? The winning candidate who now threatens to assume the office that the people freely elected him to? Or maybe the awful possibility that the peoples' overwhelming choice may actually carry out his promised policies? What?
The answer of course, is that the violence and protest is against the outrageous notion that the system allowed them to be outvoted. In other words, they just can't tolerate being told "No!" by someone who has the power to make it stick, like the people themselves. They will only abide by elections that they win, and then they will trumpet the results to the heavens as vindication and validation for all time.
The implied long-term strategy in such a reaction is to make the very next election they win, the last ever allowed. I think we've been here before!
Posted by Mwalimu Daudi
| May 7, 2007 9:51 PM
Thugs burning cars - will al-AP and the rest of the MSM portray them as eco-criminals or eco-heroes? Political Correctness is a demanding mistress indeed!
Posted by Del Dolemonte
| May 7, 2007 9:58 PM
No, they're just "youths".
Posted by Mwalimu Daudi
| May 7, 2007 10:02 PM
Del Dolemonte:
Ah - it's kind of like being an "insurgent".
Posted by trapeze
| May 7, 2007 10:07 PM
So where does this burning car thing fit into the Kyoto treaty? Do the French need to go see Algore about buying carbon credits for the mass burning? Or is there an exemption because the cars were burned by oppressed Muslim "youths?" Yeah, of course...what was I thinking? That must be it. Muslim-youth-car-burning-exemption-to-the-global-warming-thingy.
But in any event, my hopes and prayers go out to the wretched French. They have suffered too long at their own hand. May this be the end of the long night that they have endured. I hope that Sarkozy will evict the practioners of the religion of peace and love from their country, impose free markets on the union thugs and cut taxes in half. What fun he will have!
Even more fun: Turn on the Russians, the Chinese, the Germans and especially the filthy Iranians. The United Nations could be a whole different game under a reformed France.
Wishful thinking in full gear here.
Posted by Bill Faith
| May 7, 2007 10:33 PM
I added an excerpt and link to my 2007.05.07 Dem Perfidy // Islamism Delenda Est Roundup in recognition of the fact I consider the banlieus just one more front in the war on terror, what with all those Hindus and Presbyterians running around with their torches and pitchforks. Now that the election's over I have a hunch some Hindu and Presbyterian "youths" may be in for a real learning experience. Here's hoping, anyway.
Posted by Adjoran
| May 8, 2007 1:11 AM
We certainly cannot, and should not, consider violence and vandalism as any sort of legitimate "protest" against anything.
They can't even be considered "riots," as we understand them. Riots have a spontaneous nature, and are triggered by some surprising and unexpected event. This violence is part of an organized campaign, which will continue until France decides to stop it.
In order to do that, they will have to reassert civil control over these areas, and that entails repudiating a large portion of the political correctness which now hobbles civilian authority. They can't hope to stop it until they are able to put civil order ahead of multicultural "tolerance."
What's French for, "Say, if you're of the 'Religion of Peace,' why are you always blowing stuff up?"
Posted by Cybrludite
| May 8, 2007 5:37 AM
Dites-vous, si vous êtes de "l'religion de la paix", pourquoi soufflez-vous toujours la substance vers le haut ?
Or so Bablefish tells me.
Posted by hunter
| May 8, 2007 6:15 AM
I think the threat of violence by the lefties was the straw that broke the camel's back. I think it backfired completely. I think the fulfillment of the threat only cements the resolve of the French to not give more power to the socialists, at least for awhile.
Posted by NoDonkey
| May 8, 2007 7:15 AM
We should remember that Madame Kerry herself predicted riots if Jon Carry blew the election.
Talk about "Jobs Americans won't do."
Since most of the American left spent the '04 election aftermath drugged up and/or logged onto the Daily Kos from mommy's basement, we were spared the riots.
Posted by NoDonkey
| May 8, 2007 7:21 AM
We should remember that Madame Kerry herself predicted riots if Jon Carry blew the election.
Talk about "Jobs Americans won't do."
Since most of the American left spent the '04 election aftermath drugged up and/or logged onto the Daily Kos from mommy's basement, we were spared the riots.