July 23, 2007

Victory Caucus Relaunches

The Victory Caucus has its new website up and running, and NZ Bear has applied his talents towards expanding the information on Iraq and Afghanistan to put data in easy reach. Want to know the statistics on weapons-cache discoveries? A handy graph on the main page tells you that the success rate has skyrocketed this year. Another graph details the decline in sectarian violence since the start of the surge. NZ has linked blogs, official military sources, and news feeds into one daily stop for all readers.

Be sure to bookmark it!

UPDATE: Don't miss Michael Yon's tribute to the recently-departed General Wayne Downing:

As a warrior of renown in the Special Operations community, Downing might have been expected to keep his knowledge clandestine. But as a scholar of COIN, Downing knew the powerful role that media must play in fighting the Great War on Terrorism. And so he became one of the first—and certainly the most prominent—special operations experts willing to give all journalists the benefit of his insight. This willingness extended even to those practitioners of the so-called “alternative media,” or blogs. In fact he and I had exchanged emails just weeks ago, about the reports I’d been publishing on Operation Arrowhead Ripper in Baqubah[.]


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Comments (1)

Posted by Bill Faith | July 23, 2007 11:39 AM

I've had a Victory Caucus button near the top of my sidebar since a day or two after the initial launch but I'd pretty much gotten out of the habit of clicking it after the site quit being updated frequently. Thanks for the news that it's worth daily visits again. I excerpted and linked.