Captain Ed is a father and grandfather living in the Twin Cities area of Minnesota, a native Californian who moved to the North Star State because of the weather. He lives with his wife Marcia, also known as the First Mate, their two dogs, and frequently watch their granddaughter Kayla, whom Captain Ed calls The Little Admiral.
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The Crows Nest
Would Early Primaries Allow More Donations?
Jim Geraghty at The Campaign Spot believes that candidates will benefit if primaries and caucuses get pushed into 2007. A loophole in campaign finance regulation appears to allow an extra $2,300 per donor for candidates if those elections are held this year. Be sure to check out Jim's analysis, and the surprising candidate that may benefit the most.
When Tom Met Jeralyn
One of the interesting aspects of politics is finding out that opponents are people, too. Jeralyn Merritt of TalkLeft met Rep. Tom Tancredo backstage at NBC's studios, and found him more likable than she had anticipated. Perhaps it was their mutual interest in Dog, The Bounty Hunter ...
Joe Lieberman A Right-Wing Nut?
That's what CAIR says, according to Joe Kaufman. He has a link to a CAIR official's blog post that calls Lieberman, along with John Bolton, former CIA director James Woolsey, and the Heritage Foundation's Peter Brookes as "extremists". Affad Shaikh also calls Dick Cheney a "fat bastard of a liar," apparently not meant as a pop-culture reference to the Austin Powers movies. (via Let Freedom Ring)
Broadband Homelessness
The Japanese have made homelessness more efficient, and more Net-friendly, too. Their Internet cafés have become homeless shelters for the struggling manual-labor sector. The problem has grown into such a problem that government intervention will shortly become a political priority.
Found My Law Firm
Power Line links twice to this story regarding an attorney at Faegre & Benson who refused to become a victim and helped capture a very dangerous man. Keith Radtke is a partner in the firm as is Power Line's John Hinderaker. Radtke is listed in satisfactory condition after getting shot in the back, but that didn't keep him from locking up his attacker in a wrestling grip until police could arrive. I don't know about you, but that's the kind of man I'd want as my counsel ....
Don't Click That YouTube E-mail
The latest in spam seems to be redirections from YouTube links in e-mail to IP addresses without domain names. They attempt to entice people by making it seem that they have been inadvertently YouTubed. I'm sure most people can see through this scam, but just in case, you've been warned ....
Rick Moran Escapes The Floods
Rick Moran has kept us up to date on his travails along the Algonquin River. Yesterday, the police showed up to get him evacuated before the river flooded his home -- but today, Rick finds that a minor miracle has taken place, and that his house survives ... at least for now. Keep Rick in your prayers, and keep checking in at Right Wing Nut House for updates.
Rule 1: Drag The Corpse On Over First
If I've learned anything in four years of blogging, don't try to be out in front of the death rumors, especially with the villains of the world. Saddam died a hundred deaths before we caught him alive in his spider hole, and Abu Musab al-Zarqawi almost as many before his demise last year. Osama may or may not be alive, but everyone's avoided speculating on his fate for a while now. Maybe Val at Babalu Blog will get luckier with his "Castro Is Dead" story. We all hope so. I'll wait for the announcement ....
Hobbs Choice
Volunteer Voters is holding its annual "Best of Nashville" on-line polls, and one of the categories is for the best political writer. Our friend Bill Hobbs, now posting at Newsbusters, and he'd like his on-line fans to cast their votes. Drop by and put one in for Bill if you get a chance!
Murtha Getting Backlogged On Apologies
Gary Gross of Let Freedom Ring sees another case collapsing on the Haditha charges. He's called for Murtha to apologize earlier, and adds another reason to the tally.
No Such Thing As 'Moderate' Islam?
Turkish PM Tayyip Erdogan told a television interviewer that he finds the label "moderate Islam" offensive. Shrink Wrapped has a lot more on this, but at least in the same interview Erdogan acknowledged that "radical Islam" exists, and that it's been a catastrophe. Be sure to read the whole post.
MS-NBC Gets Punk'd
Power Line has a great post on a lack of journalistic effort on the part of MS-NBC. In covering the Michael Vick story, they reported on what they thought was Al Sharpton's website proclaiming Vick's innocence. I guess Alex Johnson and two other MS-NBC reporters couldn't bother to read the title bar of the site, which proudly proclaims it as a "parody site".
New Instapundit Podcast On Pharmaceuticals
I just caught this e-mail from Glenn Reynolds about his new podcast with Richard Epstein, the author of Overdose: How Excessive Government Regulation Stifles Pharmaceutical Innovation. Haven't had a chance to listen to it yet, but the topic is important enough to make sure I carve out time for it tomorrow. Get their first and tell me what I'm missing ....
Fed Trying A 'Stealth Easing'?
The Federal Reserve seems to have conducted a quiet campaign to steady markets that started spinning out of control, according to King Banaian at SCSU Scholars. He thinks that the Fed has conducted a "stealth easing". Be sure to read his explanation and follow his lnks.
A Shameless Bit Of Sel-Promotion
Gateway Pundit and Val at Babalu Blog note a crass PR move by Hugo Chavez. Venezuela has responded to Peru's eathquake disaster with food shipments -- and with Hugo's smiling picture on the cans. He also uses the tuna-can label to undermine President Garcia of Peru, who narrowly defeated Chavez' pal Ollanto Humalla, whom the labels extol for his "solidarity" with Chavez.
Tacky beyond belief.
Comments (26)
Posted by Adjoran | August 7, 2007 10:28 AM
If the Class A stockholders were going to purge Pinch they would have done so a while ago. The family still holds a controlling interest and where the heck could he get another job, anyway?
It will be nice to see David Brooks in the light of day once more, but the TimesSelect experiment did have the advantage of keeping the nonsense of Krugman (who was already known by the 1990s for having "predicted 17 of the last three recessions") and the rapidly desiccating Mo Dowd out of sight, thereby doing their part to beautify the internet.
Posted by das411 | August 7, 2007 10:35 AM
I for one would like to thank the Firewall for leading me to completely forget about nytimes.com and go out and discover far more talented (not to mention *sane*) columnists like Ralph Peters, Victor Davis Hanson, and our esteemed Captain!
Posted by cathyf | August 7, 2007 11:03 AM
I've always thought that the contrast between NYT and WSJ practice is highly illustrative.
The NYT does not value anyone's labor, including their own, so they give away their newsgathering for free on their web site. Consistent with their general contempt for human beings, they believe that all the sheeple out there would just fall over themselves to pay their betters who would lecture them on how to think.
The WSJ charges for virtually all of their news, advice columnists and pricing data. It requires significant effort to collect, write up and publish this information, and if the work is valuable then the workers are worth their wages. On the other hand, consistent with their core values of modesty, decency and respect for people, they understand that when you are trying to persuade people to your point of view you are already imposing on their time and goodwill for them to hear you out, and to try to charge money is simply adding insult to injury. Virtually everything that goes on their editorial and op-ed pages eventually goes on their opinionjournal site, which is free.
Note that the WSJ web site is chiefly noted as the only non-porn pay site on the Internet that makes money.
Posted by Barnestormer | August 7, 2007 11:07 AM
Dropping the fee may boost the NYT columnists' sagging readership, but the real economic driver will obviously be the elimination of the most serious competition--WWN.
Come to think of it, most of the leading MSM dailies will benefit from the demise. I smell a conspiracy.
Posted by NahnCee | August 7, 2007 11:35 AM
The Arabs just love to quote Friedman. He's either good to skewer because he's Jewish and therefore an obvious Zionist, or he's good to wave around because he's anti-Bush and anti-war, and also a Jew so he must know what he's talking about.
They haven't been quoting him, though, while he was buried behind the NYT wall. Be interesting to see if his name starts popping up again in the Arab on-line media, too, of if they have also found new sources and have moved on.
Posted by Ray | August 7, 2007 11:41 AM
So, the New York Times is finally giving up on it's TimesReject experiment in futility. I wonder what took them so long?
Posted by sherlock | August 7, 2007 12:18 PM
Isn't it ironic that the geniuses at the NYT, who have been so generous with their advice on how to run a war, can't seem to run a newspaper? Looks like Pinch's wall has got the the NYT into a quagmire, and it has been losing the hearts and minds of those whom they thought would welcome them as liberators from the Bush-Cheney regime!
Irony, with a dollop of schadenfreud... so rich, creamy, and delicious!
Posted by viking01 | August 7, 2007 12:30 PM
Sulzberger demonstrates typical Liberal ineptitude when handling other peoples' money (and his inheritance) while forever confusing price with quality.
Pinch decided to hang a dime box on his outhouse door and now wonders why people are instead using the trees on the edge of the woods nearby.
Posted by Mike M. | August 7, 2007 12:32 PM
Poor, poor Pinchy. Much like the networks, he came of age during a time when to a large extent, he had virtual total control over the dissemination of information, news analysis, and opinion making.
Much to his chagrin, he's finding out that those days are over, and they're not coming back. Better learn to adjust to the new paradigm Pinchy, because the Times they are a'changin.
Posted by FedUp | August 7, 2007 12:46 PM
Quite frankly.... you'd have to pay ME to read Krugman and Dowd... Sometimes, it spite of everything, some people just don't get the word!
Posted by MarkJ | August 7, 2007 12:59 PM
Dear Sherlock,
Isn't it ironic that the geniuses at the NYT, who have been so generous with their advice on how to run a war, can't seem to run a newspaper? Looks like Pinch's wall has got the the NYT into a quagmire, and it has been losing the hearts and minds of those whom they thought would welcome them as liberators from the Bush-Cheney regime!
By Jove, Sherlock, I think you're on to something. Perhaps some intelligent soul will at the Times will recommend the paper and its staff immediately redeploy to, oh say, Okinawa. What better way to maintain an "over-the-horizon" presence and not exacerbate the flames of impending journalistic civil war?
Posted by viking01 | August 7, 2007 12:59 PM
Don't forget that now the Weekly World News is out of business Sulzberger must move to accommodate that change in his market sector.
More tin foil hats, to lobby for more gummint handouts or renew the NY Times online subscription? Those are the tough financial decisions Liberal-Socialists-Communists have to make every day.
Posted by MarkJ | August 7, 2007 1:22 PM
Dear Fed Up,
Quite frankly.... you'd have to pay ME to read Krugman and Dowd... Sometimes, it spite of everything, some people just don't get the word!
Maureen Dowd: "I can't get a date and it's all George Bush's fault."
Paul Krugman: "I've been continually wrong about the economy and it's all George Bush's fault."
Bob Herbert: "I'm a one-trick pony and it's all George Bush's fault."
Sorry, but you couldn't even pay me to subject myself to these fools on a daily basis! (LOL!)
Posted by exDemo | August 7, 2007 1:25 PM
Your suggestion that they redeploy to Ohkinawa, is sane advice too.
Their espoused policies will eventually incinerate New York City in an Arab nuclear fire.
It wouldn't be good for Mr. Pinch, to be punched in the expanding fireball.
Posted by FedUp | August 7, 2007 1:26 PM
MarkJ... ROFLMAO!!!
Posted by Neo | August 7, 2007 1:29 PM
interesting piece on federal “shield-law” legislation.
Posted by Gbear | August 7, 2007 1:49 PM
Darn, now I have to figure out another way to save money.
Posted by Gbear | August 7, 2007 1:51 PM
Darn, now I have to figure out another way to save money.
Posted by skeptical | August 7, 2007 1:52 PM
Friedman anti-Bush? Friedman was a cheerleader for the war in Iraq from before day 1. He loved to say that the man who has killed the most Arabs was Saddam, a record he still holds (as Friedman will remind us). He only became "anti-Bush" when Rumsfeld's incompetence left us starting the fifth year of the war in worse shape than the first. Otherwise he's been as behind the campaign as much as Kristol, and no more critical of the conduct of the war than Kristol, and until this year, as much a supporter of the occupation continuing until we've tucked all the Sunni, Shia, and Kurdish children to bed at night ("if you break it, it's yours").
I'm always astonished to see the judgment of people on things they haven't read.
Posted by rrk | August 7, 2007 2:28 PM
It occurs to me...
Has anyone ever seen Pinch Sulzberger and Nick Coleman together in the same room?
Nah, can't be.
Posted by Mark E. | August 7, 2007 2:47 PM
I say let them keep it up. I have no use in reading their op-ed pieces most of the time anyway.
Posted by AnonymousDrivel | August 7, 2007 5:05 PM
Maybe we could pay them to keep the firewall up. Consider it compassionate conservatism.
More nefariously, when the right time comes, we'll defund that security wall we've been propping up and let the inevitable online reality come crashing around their ankles. Can you say "buggy whip in a time of Fords?"
Posted by electric ferret | August 7, 2007 6:32 PM
This is just unbearable.
I just know that soon... very soon... I will be visiting my favorite Blogs and there will be Posts about "Dowd said this" and "Friedman said that" with quoted text and, of course, commentary on why what they said was stupid.
Seriously, I'm just filled with Heartache(TM) over it.
I remember how it was back in the days before the Wall that kept them at bay. I remember the blog posts dissecting their assinine columns with pointed political exacto-knives.
Please Captain. Don't succumb. They're just as irrelevant tomorrow as they were before the Wall came down. Don't dissect their columns.
Posted by Rollcast | August 7, 2007 6:56 PM
When the Gray Old Hag came up with this scheme, I suggested (http://deaddrifts.blogspot.com/2005/09/mistress-maureens-charging-for-it-now.html) that perhaps we could pay to read some columnists but could be credited if we actually read the Dowd or Herbert.
Posted by Corky Boyd | August 7, 2007 7:00 PM
I think most folks are misreading the NY Post’s story about the Times freeing up Times Select. I think the story is the first salvo in the war against the Times by Murdoch. I think Pinch is being snookered.
First you must consider Pinch isn’t the brightest bulb on the planet, but he has one overriding mission. And that is to see Hillary in the White House after 2008 elections. All else is secondary, including the health of the paper. By feeding the rumor that TS will be made free, Murdoch is making it a self fulfilling prophesy. Web-only subscribers just won’t pay $50 for a year’s TS subscription if they think there’s a chance it will it will be free. Even if the Times keeps TS, revenues will decline because of the uncertainty.
But if they make it free, they immediately lose $10,000,000/year from web-only subscribers and will lose an incentive to maintain their hard copy subscription base. My guess is this is a price Pinch is willing to pay to gain exposure for Dowd, Krugman, Kristof and Rich for the election cycle.
Time is running out for the Times. The crunch will come when they cannot sustain their dividend. And that time is not far away. They have increased their dividend rate in the face of declining revenues and earnings twice in the last two years. This is to pacify shareholders, but it can’t be maintained. Currently earnings per share are projected at $1.00 for the year 2007 and their dividends are $.92/share. Revenues and earnings have been declining and they are currently living off of a cash infusion from the May sale of all their broadcasting properties. They can’t sell assets forever to sustain themselves. Most are newspapers. They had to revalue the Boston Globe down to $500MM from the over $1 billion they paid 15 years ago and a potential buyer walked away, even at that price.
I don’t know the financial situation of the NYT B (family) stock holders, but traditionally family ownerships of newspapers are usually not well diversified. They are heavily reliant on dividends from their publishing holdings to maintain their style of living. When dividends are threatened, family solidarity is challenged. This will probably be the case within a year.
The Times has never faced the kind of competition a revitalized WSJ under Murdoch can dish out. He may push the day of reckoning up, but probably not before the April/May shareholders’ meeting. But still it is not a pleasant scenario for Pinch.
Another family member, Michael Golden, was brought back to NY from his posting as Publisher of the (Times owned) International Herald Tribune last November, to assist Pinch. If the B stockholders have deep reservations about Pinch (probable) they will promote Golden to Pinch’s position, probably after the November elections. That will signal the end to the Ochs-Sulzberger dynasty.
Posted by Clyde | August 7, 2007 7:48 PM
:"Mr. Sulzbergerachev, KEEP UP THIS WALL!"