August 31, 2007

Where Does Hsu Get The Money?

The mystery of Norman Hsu deepens today with a New York Times report on his collapsing cover stories. While the Gray Lady tries to focus on the sudden retreat of Democrats from a man who has raised almost a million dollars for them, the real story comes in the second half of the article -- in which Hsu appears to be a front:

People who met him said they knew only that he ran an apparel business. Efforts to learn more about his trade hit dead-ends yesterday. Visits to companies at addresses listed by Mr. Hsu on campaign finance records provided little information. There were no offices in buildings in New York’s garment district whose addresses were given for businesses with names like Components Ltd., Cool Planets, Next Components, Coopgors Ltd., NBT and Because Men’s clothing — all listed by Mr. Hsu in federal filings at different times.

At a new loft-style residential condominium in SoHo that was also listed as an address for one of his companies, an employee there said that he had never seen or heard of Mr. Hsu. Another company was listed at a condo that Mr. Hsu had sublet in an elegant residential tower in Midtown Manhattan just off Fifth Avenue, but an employee there said Mr. Hsu moved out two years ago, after having lived there for five years. The employee, who was granted anonymity because he was not authorized to talk about residents, said he recalled that Mr. Hsu had received a lot of mail from the Democratic Party.

Hillary Clinton told a Manhattan audience yesterday that her team tries to do the best they can in vetting volunteers. How could any vetting process possibly miss this? None of his story checks out at all, not even with the most cursory look at his record. It's filled with false addresses. Not even his listed residence appears current. Exactly what kind of vetting did Hillary do?

Hilariously, Eliot Spitzer joined Hillary on stage yesterday. The Governor, whose previous job was Attorney General, got $62,000 of Hsu money for his campaign. Are we to believe that the former top law-enforcement officer of the state of New York couldn't find out that Hsu was a fraud?

No one vetted Hsu. The only process Hillary and Spitzer used was cashing the check. If it didn't bounce, Hsu got into the club.

Bob Kerrey has the most laughable explanation, however. The former Senator runs the liberal New School, which made him a trustee after Hsu started showering Democrats with cash. Kerrey explained that he added Hsu to the trustee roster because "I liked his personal story, coming from China, and he had an interest in fashion as well." All it takes to become a trustee at the New School is to be an immigrant who has an eye for the runway. That says much more about the New School than Kerrey intends.

All of this begs the question: where does Hsu get the money? All of his supposed resources are frauds. Hsu himself is a convicted con man, but the money he threw around was very real. Where did it come from, and what was its purpose?


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» JUST WHO IS MR. HSU? from Right Wing Nut House
Bizarre times we live in, no doubt about it. While the left obsesses over the bathroom antics of a relatively obscure Idaho senator and the social right gets their opportunity to wag a finger in disapproval at the hapless hypocritical closet case, a ... [Read More]

» The Fred Astaire of Restrooms from what if?
When you're done pondering the import of Larry Craig doing the light fantastic in men's restrooms, you might wish to wonder about the import of all this.Where does Hsu get the money? All of his supposed resources are frauds. Hsu [Read More]

» The Mysterious Mr. Hsu from Macsmind - Conservative Commentary and Common Sense
The Ny Time’s attemped “explanation” of who Mr. Norman Hsu is and why we shouldn’t worry about it is falling apart. Capt Ed writes: “Hillary Clinton told a Manhattan audience yesterday that her team tries to do the best ... [Read More]

» The Mysterious Mr. Hsu from Macsmind - Conservative Commentary and Common Sense
The Ny Time’s attemped “explaination” of who Mr. Norman Hsu is and why we shouldn’t worry about it is falling apart. Capt Ed writes: “Hillary Clinton told a Manhattan audience yesterday that her team tries to do the best... [Read More]

» The Great China Money Syndrome from The Pink Flamingo
WHO IS HSU? [Read More]

Comments (53)

Posted by cahmd | August 31, 2007 8:44 AM

How wide does the Democrat's ethical stance on this issue have to be before it can be called for what it is: Corruption.

Posted by rbj | August 31, 2007 8:46 AM

"All of this begs the question: where does Hsu get the money? All of his supposed resources are frauds. Hsu himself is a convicted con man, but the money he threw around was very real. Where did it come from, and what was its purpose?"

I expect the MSM to get on this any day. Any day now. Perhaps Dan Rather has the time to investigate this story: Major campaign donor is convicted con man, no known source for where he gets all the money for his donations as well as well timed large contributions from other donors of modest means.

Oh, it's Democratic Party contributions? Well that's not a story then, just a single rouge donor.

Posted by Roger Thompson | August 31, 2007 8:56 AM

The misspelling (perhaps intentional) in rbj's last sentence probably hits the nail on the head.

Posted by TomB | August 31, 2007 8:59 AM

Oh, I forgot, they swear they play clean...

Posted by dhunter | August 31, 2007 9:00 AM

What did Hillary know and when did she know It? After all it's the seriousness of the charge, Seriously!
Look forward to Herself explaining: "I don't recall", "I don't remember", "I can't seem to remember", "Papers what papers, oh, here they are right here on the coffee table".

Another political hack will have to fall on the sword to cover for Hill hope someone doesn't get despondent and shoot themselves in the back of the head.
Warning to Hill operatives stay away from Fort Marcy Park, and airplanes also stay out of Arkansas lest some Arkancide should ensue.
I want to see the cancelled checks when she gives the money back to the American taxpayers or law enfoecement not some liberal lefty charity. After all her brother was going to give some money back on pardons for dollars and never seemed to.
Further investigation may reveal a Chines money laundry hopefully not with fake $100.00 bills.
Oh never mind, that horrible senator Craig touched toes with someone in a mens room that is the real important story.

Posted by Duke DeLand | August 31, 2007 9:04 AM

Ed, perhaps the DOJ can take a break this weekend, during their involvement in the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) convention, to begin looking into Mr. Hsu and the whys, wheres, etc. of his funding! I also wonder if anyone is actually looking for this convicted criminal?

It might be nice if the coverage of Hsu was expanded beyond one national paper....a bit or two on FOXNews, and the blogosphere.

& The Main Stream Media (Read: Antique Media) are all still sitting at the sidelines wondering why their a) circulation, b) income, and c) believability are all in the dumper.


Posted by rbj | August 31, 2007 9:09 AM

Yes, that's it, it was intentional. Nothing to do with lack of sleep and not enough coffee this a.m.

If the Republicans are smart, they'll tie in Bill's old campaign financing issues (renting out the Lincoln bedroom) with this new scandal. Are there outside forces (governments) buying the Clintons? At least with the Republicans, it's good old fashioned American corruption, with American companies buying American politicians.

Posted by BigBoy | August 31, 2007 9:19 AM

None of this matters. Either of the Clintons could strangle puppies to death on the whitehouse lawn on Easter Sunday in front of 1000 "journalists," and live cameras, naked, while having unprotected anonymous sex with toilet dwellers, and it wouldn't stick to them. They are the new gods. Give up and surrender, it will make you Free.

Posted by BigBoy | August 31, 2007 9:21 AM

None of this matters. Either of the Clintons could strangle puppies to death on the whitehouse lawn on Easter Sunday in front of 1000 "journalists," and live cameras, naked, while having unprotected anonymous sex with toilet dwellers, and it wouldn't stick to them. They are the new gods. Give up and surrender, it will make you Free.

Posted by BigBoy | August 31, 2007 9:25 AM

None of this matters. Either of the Clintons could strangle puppies to death on the whitehouse lawn on Easter Sunday in front of 1000 "journalists," and live cameras, naked, while having unprotected anonymous sex with toilet dwellers, and it wouldn't stick to them. They are the new gods. Give up and surrender, it will make you Free.

Posted by PS | August 31, 2007 9:26 AM

Hsu is connected to the Clinton Communist China scandal in 1998. See Gatewaypundit link.

Posted by BigBoy | August 31, 2007 9:29 AM

None of this matters. Either of the Clintons could strangle puppies to death on the whitehouse lawn on Easter Sunday in front of 1000 "journalists," and live cameras, naked, while having unprotected anonymous sex with toilet dwellers, and it wouldn't stick to them. They are the new gods. Give up and surrender, it will make you Free. "Arbeit Macht Frei."

Posted by NoDonkey | August 31, 2007 9:29 AM

Corrupt, incompetent, unqualified and unaccomplished dingbat Ms. Rodham is pretty much the best the absolutely worthless Democrat Party has to offer the country.

Democrats should wear bags over their heads at the prospect. Never has an American political party offered up such a complete zero of a candidate for President.

This woman has nothing to offer the country, other than a creepy mental illness, a "career" as a pathetic doormat to her tomcat husband and sky high ambition.

Anyone silly and ignorant enough to vote for this shrieking harpy, deserves whatever they get.

The rest of us most certainly do not.

Posted by unclesmrgol | August 31, 2007 9:33 AM

Flight risk. Get him now, while you can.

Posted by John Blake | August 31, 2007 9:36 AM

Hsu is an agent-of-influence, funneling funds to sellout candidates via Communist Chinese military intelligence. The same was true of Charlie Trie, and Indonesian Riady interests through him at one remove.

You can bet that MzBill knows all of this, lurking in "deep background", because: a) Her beloved hubby has KGB/ChiCom roots dating to his ratting out of Czech and Polish dissidents in 1968's Prague Spring; b) As such clandestine donors will remind her, she owes a quid pro quo; and c) Absent coordination, the supply of illicit funds may well dry up, and after all-- who else is going to fund the Wife of Bill?

Peking et al. is well-aware the WOB will likely come a McGovernite cropper in 2008. But meantime, why not prepare to corrupt her equally shameless and unprincipled successor?

Posted by dhunter | August 31, 2007 9:37 AM

BigBoy ,I for one refuse to surrender it's for my kids- that I will not do it.
Hsu hung out in New York?
Bill Clintoon has an office in Harlem?
Anyone check out (19 year old intern) Monicas' boyfriends office maybe you'll find Hsu under the bed.
Ouch, a discusting thought so early in the morning.
Seriously, come on media do some research, I can't do it all, I have work to do.
Hellooo republican presidential candidates any of YOU have a pair larger than Hillarys', I hear nothing but silence from you. Looks to me like a made to order topic to pick up, run with or at least mention.
I imagine Hill would extend you the courtesy of not saying a ___ thing if you had your ass in a sling. Not, you'd look like a pinata at a birthday party in San Diego.

Posted by sherlock | August 31, 2007 9:37 AM

Those special technology export licenses Bill Clinton sold to the Chinese were a short-term cash windfall for the Dems, but they could turn out to be a long-term investment that goes sour.

Now, I say we get back to our ongoing coverage of events in a Minneapolis airport toilet stall. That way, we can keep this latest Clinton corruption off the airwaves until AFTER she's nominated, and then Rudy or Fred can have some real fun with it!

Democrat Presidential timber: fake environmentalists, then fake war heros, and now sleazy takers of money from foreign powers. Even as Karl Rove walks out the front door, in the basement of the White House, his mis-nomination machine hums smoothly on. On the front panel, the selector switch has been left set to "Hillary".

As Monty Burns would say... "Excellent."

Posted by unclesmrgol | August 31, 2007 9:42 AM


Hillary's got those, too? Wow, I wonder if Bill knows? Probably not.

Posted by Joselito | August 31, 2007 9:51 AM

I'm with Big Boy! You are right. This is a post that needs to be made four times. I'm not being sarcastic. Repeat it here because you'll never see it elsewhere.

Posted by Ken | August 31, 2007 9:52 AM

I'm the last person in the world to defend Her Filthiness, but I wouldn't be surprised if her campaign doesn't really care where ANY donation comes from, as long as it comes in on a regular basis. "Give me the money, and if it turns out to be tainted, I'll donate it to charity -- with a pass from the MSM."

However, understanding that she is a behind-the-scenes manipulator there could well be a quid pro quo at work here.

Either scenario is plausible.

Posted by LuckyBogey | August 31, 2007 9:52 AM

From the LAT today..........

… Hsu was affiliated with two businesses -- Components Ltd. and Coopgors Ltd. -- that have listed addresses on Fifth Avenue. But the building actually houses luxury apartments, not commercial offices, according to a doorman, who has worked there for the last 15 years. The doorman said Hsu lived in the building for a few years but moved out about four years ago…. The doorman said Hsu talked to him about the Yankees on occasion when he picked up packages, usually from Asia, at the building's front desk….
… A few blocks away on Broadway Avenue, office mates on the 10th floor of a building listed as the address for five of Hsu's businesses said they had last seen him this week, when he picked up his mail. He moved into the office about two years ago but never unpacked his boxes, said Ken Mulligan, 31, a sales executive for J.P. Doumak, a fabric supplier. He said Hsu would not visit the office space for months, then would show up for a few hours, say "hello," check his mail, make a few phone calls and leave…
… Kerrey said the university did not do background checks on prospective board members. Hsu gave thousands of dollars to the school in recent years, and helped host an event last year at which Clinton was the keynote speaker. Clinton helped steer nearly $1 million to the New School in a congressional earmark for a mentoring program for disadvantaged city youths.….

I wonder what is in the packages from Asia. Keep following the money all the way back to Hong Kong.

Posted by Dan | August 31, 2007 10:00 AM

Well, not everybody is running away from Mr Hsu and his dollars of unknown origin.

Pennsylvania governor Ed Rendell is sticking by his dear friend, and holding on to his past donations. Rendell to date has been a solid block of Teflon®, none of the muck ever sticks to him. Will Hsu be the exception?

Posted by Aldo | August 31, 2007 10:06 AM

More from the Los Angeles Times today:

Hsu's Washington-based attorney, E. Lawrence Barcella Jr., said Hsu was in Hong Kong from 1992 to 1996. Barcella said Hsu did not remember pleading to a criminal charge that included jail time and thought he had agreed to a settlement with creditors. At the time, Hsu was going through a separate bankruptcy proceeding.

Hsu has not responded to requests for an interview. Barcella said Hsu returned to California in 1996 and made a series of successful investments in Silicon Valley -- which accounts for Hsu's ability to contribute so heavily to Democratic causes in recent years, Barcella said. Hsu also continued to be involved in the apparel business, Barcella said.

But details about Hsu's activities since 1996 are elusive. Unlike in the 1980s, when Hsu's name appeared in a flurry of business and court records, there is scant evidence that he was actively launching businesses or making contributions to politicians.

At some point, Hsu began spending at least part of his time in New York City, where he appears to have pursued a private yet lavish lifestyle.

A few graphs down..

In New York, Hsu frequently went out at night dressed in a tuxedo and bow tie, and a limousine picked him up, the doorman said. "I know he was a very wealthy person," he said.

A few blocks away on Broadway Avenue, office mates on the 10th floor of a building listed as the address for five of Hsu's businesses said they had last seen him this week, when he picked up his mail.

He moved into the office about two years ago but never unpacked his boxes, said Ken Mulligan, 31, a sales executive for J.P. Doumak, a fabric supplier. He said Hsu would not visit the office space for months, then would show up for a few hours, say "hello," check his mail, make a few phone calls and leave.

"He seems like a nice guy; he always dresses nicely in a suit," Mulligan said. "He was very quiet." Mulligan said he knew Hsu had been photographed with Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) and Clinton. He said he thought Hsu lived in California most of the time and often traveled to China.

Posted by docjim505 | August 31, 2007 10:07 AM

But... but... but... Abramoff! And Tom DeLay! And... and... and Randy Cunningham! And... and... and... Bush Lied!(TM)

See, that makes it all OK as far as democrats are concerned. Nothing to see here. Move along. Move along.

Posted by Aldo | August 31, 2007 10:08 AM

More from the Los Angeles Times today:

Hsu's Washington-based attorney, E. Lawrence Barcella Jr., said Hsu was in Hong Kong from 1992 to 1996. Barcella said Hsu did not remember pleading to a criminal charge that included jail time and thought he had agreed to a settlement with creditors. At the time, Hsu was going through a separate bankruptcy proceeding.

Hsu has not responded to requests for an interview. Barcella said Hsu returned to California in 1996 and made a series of successful investments in Silicon Valley -- which accounts for Hsu's ability to contribute so heavily to Democratic causes in recent years, Barcella said. Hsu also continued to be involved in the apparel business, Barcella said.

But details about Hsu's activities since 1996 are elusive. Unlike in the 1980s, when Hsu's name appeared in a flurry of business and court records, there is scant evidence that he was actively launching businesses or making contributions to politicians.

At some point, Hsu began spending at least part of his time in New York City, where he appears to have pursued a private yet lavish lifestyle.

A few graphs down..

In New York, Hsu frequently went out at night dressed in a tuxedo and bow tie, and a limousine picked him up, the doorman said. "I know he was a very wealthy person," he said.

A few blocks away on Broadway Avenue, office mates on the 10th floor of a building listed as the address for five of Hsu's businesses said they had last seen him this week, when he picked up his mail.

He moved into the office about two years ago but never unpacked his boxes, said Ken Mulligan, 31, a sales executive for J.P. Doumak, a fabric supplier. He said Hsu would not visit the office space for months, then would show up for a few hours, say "hello," check his mail, make a few phone calls and leave.

"He seems like a nice guy; he always dresses nicely in a suit," Mulligan said. "He was very quiet." Mulligan said he knew Hsu had been photographed with Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) and Clinton. He said he thought Hsu lived in California most of the time and often traveled to China.

Posted by quickjustice | August 31, 2007 10:18 AM

A million bucks is a lot of money, and in NYC in particular, money buys you access to whatever you desire, including Clinton, Spitzer and New School.

Whether this story has legs depends on how similar it is to the 1996 Bill Clinton Presidential re-election scandal.

Posted by quickjustice | August 31, 2007 10:20 AM

A million bucks is a lot of money, and in NYC in particular, money buys you access to whatever you desire, including Clinton, Spitzer and New School.

Whether this story has legs depends on how similar it is to the 1996 Bill Clinton Presidential re-election scandal.

Posted by eaglewings | August 31, 2007 10:33 AM

My question is, why aren't the candidates refunding this money to the California District Attorney's Office. I'm sure there is probably a Restitution Order that went along with the sentence in Cali, and I am doubly sure that Hsu's On First, did not make any part of the Court Ordered Restitution. In fact, it is also possible that the million dollars was the stolen proceeds and that the dem candidates may be in possession of stolen property. At the very least such property might be subject to forfeiture as the fruit of criminal activities. So it appears the dems are breaking laws and ethical responsibilities twice, accepting money from a criminal fugitive who hasn't paid his dues to society and not returning the monies to the DA so that it could be returned to its proper owners.

Posted by JonR | August 31, 2007 10:37 AM

OK, the bush is beaten to death! Odds are that Hsu is a Chinese government agent and we know the Clintons have been cozy with them for years. No question. What bothers me is that there is so little attention being brought to this very serious situation while the MSM is fixated on Senator Craig. When is this country going to come to grips with the fact that the Clintons are the most corrupt political couple in history and have done more damage to national security than anyone can possibly imagine? Does anyone remember Vince Foster and Ron Brown? Does anyone remember how strangely they died under the Clinton watch? Does anyone remember how Clinton got elected the second time with Chinese money? Does anyone remember that Ms. Clinton is not qualified to run an animal shelter let alone this country? Wow! We truly are our own worst enemy! As the saying goes, "Great civilizations are not brought down from without; rather they commit suicide."

Posted by JonR | August 31, 2007 10:39 AM

OK, the bush is beaten to death! Odds are that Hsu is a Chinese government agent and we know the Clintons have been cozy with them for years. No question. What bothers me is that there is so little attention being brought to this very serious situation while the MSM is fixated on Senator Craig. When is this country going to come to grips with the fact that the Clintons are the most corrupt political couple in history and have done more damage to national security than anyone can possibly imagine? Does anyone remember Vince Foster and Ron Brown? Does anyone remember how strangely they died under the Clinton watch? Does anyone remember how Clinton got elected the second time with Chinese money? Does anyone remember that Ms. Clinton is not qualified to run an animal shelter let alone this country? Wow! We truly are our own worst enemy! As the saying goes, "Great civilizations are not brought down from without; rather they commit suicide."

Posted by dhunter | August 31, 2007 10:55 AM

If John McCain wants to really serve his country perhaps he could round up his Campaign Finance cronies and demand a congressional investigation into this mess.
Demand it so long and loud that it can't be ignored.
Tie it to every worthless piece of garbage bills the dems can think up.
He should have something to say about campaign finance after all he foisted the farce on us.

Posted by AnonAnonAnon | August 31, 2007 11:03 AM

Repeat after me: Bernard L. Schwartz.

Bernard L. Schwartz.

Bernard L. Schwartz.

Bernard L. Schwartz put Norman Hsu on the Board of Trustees of The New School:

Bernard L. Schwartz parties down at fundraisers with Norman Hsu:

A further 109,000 pages at Google listing both their names:

And, of course, Bernard L. Schartz teaches the Chicoms how to build Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles:

Bernard L. Schartz needs to be hung for treason.

Posted by Frieda | August 31, 2007 11:35 AM

I guess China wants Clinton to win. Well, that's 2 dictators who are found of Hillary (Castro being the other).

Who is part of the "CULTURE OF CORRUPTION" now?

Dont' forget about that other fundraiser from India (chatall) who contributed to her campaign. He is out of the country now and no media coverage on that.

So far we have INDIA and CHINA connections. Now, we need Ahmadinejad from IRAN to jump in and endorse Hillary and that will-complete the dictators circle of friend for Hillary. LOLOLO

Posted by David M | August 31, 2007 11:36 AM

Trackbacked by The Thunder Run - Web Reconnaissance for 08/31/2007
A short recon of what’s out there that might draw your attention, updated throughout the check back often.

Posted by sherlock | August 31, 2007 11:50 AM

Here's another little connection that is interesting. Remember when Jimmy Carter went to Korea and "negotiated" a deal with them on nukes? A deal so flawed that it basically was an agreement that the US would look the other way as long as Kim didn't make it blatently obvious what he was up to?

So how did President Bill Clinton allow that to happen? Well, Jimmy was allowed to go do the deal to take advantage of his cluelessness, and probably his fondness for "donations" too. That way Bill did not have to take the blame when the truth eventually came out. Remember how quickly Bush "undid all the progress we had made" with Korea when he took office - amazing how things can go to hell so fast isn't it?

But why did Bill want to make a flawed deal with the NorKs? He didn't. But he was forced to let it happen, and he was forced by... well, take a look at the Korean penninsula on the map, and then just let your eyes drift over to the left a ways.

Let me come right out and say it: Bill Clinton was blackmailed by the Chinese into not only supplying them with ICBM-guidance technology, but also into allowing Jimmy Carter to conclude a "don't ask - don't tell" agreement with North Korea on nukes.

The question also has to asked... who blackmailed Jimmy Carter into looking away when the Shah needed an ally? Could it have been the same people that had Chirac and Shroeter by the nuts for so many years?

Some day the truth about what has been going on for the last 20 years is going to come out, and when it does, the Democratic Party is going to be destroyed. I just hope it happens before the US is too.

Posted by Frieda | August 31, 2007 11:52 AM

I guess China wants Clinton to win. Well, that's 2 dictators who are found of Hillary (Castro being the other).

Who is part of the "CULTURE OF CORRUPTION" now?

Dont' forget about that other fundraiser from India (chatall) who contributed to her campaign. He is out of the country now and no media coverage on that.

So far we have INDIA and CHINA connections. Now, we need Ahmadinejad from IRAN to jump in and endorse Hillary and that will-complete the dictators circle of friend for Hillary. LOLOLO

Posted by RD | August 31, 2007 2:23 PM

Work hard to thwart the Hill/Billy duo[ver]. One of the first things done by a new Clinton duo[ver]administration would be a long and thorough scrub of the National archives with no interruptions this time. Berger would have an important job and title... his payback from the Clintons. The second thing would be a scrub of the internet with new restrictions and a fairness doctrine. Fair warning!

Posted by Joshua | August 31, 2007 3:36 PM

I have an answer to your question "Where does Hsu get the money?" In all sincereity, it probably comes from Hsu's investments in Silicon Valley in the late 1990s. According to Hsu's Washington attorney, Lawrence Barcella, Hsu returned to the United States from Hong Kong in 1996, settled in California, and invested heavily in Silicon Valley. That's covered in today's (Aug. 31st) LA Times article on the issue.

Posted by Larissa | August 31, 2007 4:52 PM


he is supporting an old hag who needs to drop out of the race. I hate hillary clinton. there are laws that he doesnt matter if he got the money from selling his old body on the side of the street. there is a limit to the money you can give and hes been dodging around, reimbursing his friends and family so that she can get more money. the real question isnt where hes getting it from. its why is he giving so much?? he is either a) out of his mind or b) getting something in return.

thats how i look at it

Posted by Larissa | August 31, 2007 4:54 PM


he is supporting an old hag who needs to drop out of the race. I hate hillary clinton. there are laws that he doesnt matter if he got the money from selling his old body on the side of the street. there is a limit to the money you can give and hes been dodging around, reimbursing his friends and family so that she can get more money. the real question isnt where hes getting it from. its why is he giving so much?? he is either a) out of his mind or b) getting something in return.

thats how i look at it

Posted by LDC | August 31, 2007 8:40 PM

Where did Hsu get the money? you ask. Silly question. The political action wing of the Army of the People's Republic of China.

Posted by Scrapiron | August 31, 2007 9:12 PM

The Clintons have been tied to ChiCom money since 1994 that I know of, so probably much longer. Most people wouldn't fish a dollar bill out of the sewer (raw sewage) Shrillary and Slick would pick it up with their tongue. They are that greedy. It shows the low mental state of the entire democrat party and they're voters.

Posted by Allen | August 31, 2007 10:46 PM

Maybe we could get in touch with internet inventor, global warming chief preacher Al Gore. Seems he has some experience stuffing unexplainable money into his pockets as well. Perhaps he has some insight, some clues as to how this could come to pass.

Posted by OTTMANN | September 1, 2007 12:16 AM

The Clinton's are clearly communists, get support from communists and give American secrets to communists. Is it any wonder why JFK was hit? He went against his own party, the Democrat National Communists of America.

Ron Brown and Vince Foster got in the way and had to go. Paul Wellstone became expendable when the polls showed him losing. Dems tried to take advantage of his convenient death by throwing a campaign party for him afterwards. Was Bill Clinton ever happier?

The truth is that Democrats are Satan's evil minions out destroy the world with Israel's and America's downfall. It won't take long if sHillary wins, that's for sure!

Posted by Ken Oglesby | September 1, 2007 1:24 AM

Where are all those forensic accountants in the FBI when you need them?
Oh,that's right.
They are tracing frozen cash back to Nigeria or Liberia or wherever the blazes it came from.
I would be interested to know if they are interested in some hot cash.
I would be willing to bet,well willing to say,that the trail of Hsu's money begins in Peking,the passed to Hsu,then laundered through all of these honest and hard working legal immigrants who have no choice or say in the matter.
Obviously I am not politically correct.
Like the bass player in the Blues Brothers said,"if the s**t fits,wear it.

Posted by John_Gault | September 1, 2007 4:59 AM

Exactly what kind of vetting did Hillary do?

[Vetting]Did his last check bounce? Then tell him this time we need cash... [/vetting]

Posted by CouNTeRPuNcH | September 1, 2007 12:40 PM

Hsu & Democrats: Couture of Corruption

Posted by Stab | September 1, 2007 2:12 PM

Occam's Razor suggests that Hsu's funds are from Communist Chinese (remember Wal-Mart and the insurmountable trade imbalance?), and the purpose of the illegal contributions is the Chi-com purchase of political power in the US government. Didn't Bill Clinton also have some issues with money tainted by the Chi-coms? China is literally buying America and the US is in a dangerous position. Do we care enough to do anything about it?

Posted by Mason Jahr | September 1, 2007 2:55 PM

The answer? China.

Posted by anna f | September 2, 2007 5:19 AM

Now I realize why everyone knows Americans are so stupid. This post.

Posted by LDC | September 2, 2007 7:49 AM

Anna--"stupid" is not paying attention to history and trends.

Posted by Averican Voter | September 8, 2007 1:59 PM

Norman Hsu's Life at Risk? Do you think Hsu may be murdered in Colorado or en route back to California - or once he is back in California? Hsu donated to Jerry Brown, Attorney General of California who is in charge of his case - through Winkle Paws. Norman Hsu also donated to San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom, SF DA Kamela Harris, SF Sup Angelina Alioto, Diane Finestein, Barbara Boxer, and others. If illegal money was given to these politicians from China for political influence or from San Francisco and New York "Chinatown" gangs for protection - Hsu's knowledge and testimony could put them in jail. These three people have donated to Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and others from various San Francisco, Atherton and Saratoga addresses ... any relation to Norman Hsu and-or the Asian Hsu crime families and gang Dons? Ta-Lin Hsu - Chairman of H&Q Asia Pacific Venture Capital, USA; his wife Joyce Hsu; Mark Hsu Vice former President, H&Q Asia Pacific.

Posted by Stab | September 13, 2007 8:13 PM

Hsu was given the "option" to commit suicide; the command came either from a US presidential candidate or from a general in China.

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