October 29, 2007

When The Saudis Say You're Not Serious ....

Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah will arrive in Britain later today, but he helped amplify the controversy surrounding his state visit before he sets foot in London. He accused the British government of ignoring intelligence from the Saudis that could have prevented the London transit bombings in 2005, and claimed that the UK has not taken terrorism seriously:

Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah accused Britain of not taking terrorism seriously enough Monday, hours before arriving in London for a controversial state visit.

In a BBC interview prior to his arrival, the king said his country had given Britain information which could have prevented the 2005 London suicide bombings, in which 52 innocent people died, but the authorities had failed to act on it. ...

Asked about the terrorist threat, the king told the BBC through an interpreter: "I believe most countries are not taking this issue too seriously including, unfortunately, Great Britain.

"We have sent information to Great Britain before the terrorist attacks in Britain but unfortunately no action was taken. And it may have been able to maybe avert the tragedy."

Abdullah had enough problems with the British before accusing them of complacency against terrorists. The Saudis have a defense-contracting scandal boiling in the UK involving an alleged BAE slush fund of 60 million pounds for entertaining (and bribing) members of the royal family. The Blair government stopped the investigation for reasons of national security, and the Liberal Democrats have refused to send an emissary to the state visit as a result.

The Saudi king's accusation against Britain seems misplaced. The British have done a fairly good job of engaging against terrorism, although the issue of radical mosques in London continues to pose a problem. One might wonder whether the Saudis haven't contributed themselves to that issue -- we have some questions about their madrassas here in the US, for instance -- but most of the problems in British mosques come from Pakistan and Iran. The British have contributed actual combat forces in Afghanistan to fight the Taliban and al-Qaeda, something most of western Europe has avoided, putting non-combat conditions on their troop contributions to the NATO effort there.

Abdullah admits that AQ still presents a problem to the Saudis, and that the war against the radical Islamist terrorists will go for a generation. That may be harsh medicine for some who have already tired of this war, but Abdullah has that much right. It will take that long for the lunatics to either die out or demonstrate their damage to the ummah. However, the Saudis need to get serious about it, too, starting with their hate speech in the madrassas and the indoctrination of children into anti-Semitic and anti-Western paranoia. If Abdullah addresses those issues, then we'll take him seriously about others not taking terrorism seriously.


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» Saudi King Says UK Not Doing Enough Against Terrorism from "7.62mm Justice" ™
Seems to me that this is a case of the pot calling the kettle black. Exactly how many troops has the Kingdom of Saud lost to the Islamofacists in the “War on Terror”? What is the Kingdom doing, other than sitting on it’s fat, bloate... [Read More]

Comments (12)

Posted by davod | October 29, 2007 7:18 AM

Just maybe the King was telling the Brits who the bad guys were. The problem in the UK has been for some time that the Brits let people stay in the country who were actively fermenting terorism around the world. Even the French have complained about the Brits not oing anything about th problem. The Brit philosophy was if they don't do it here then that it is not a problem.

Posted by Immolate | October 29, 2007 7:19 AM

Sorry Ed, I think that the Saudis are correct in interpreting British policy as not proactive enough about anti-terrorism. They haven't managed to convince themselves that appeasement and open-door immigration policies are destroying them, and their response to terrorism is to err on the side of individual liberties... with predictable results.

The Saudis may be complicit in policy and enforcement of policy in terrorism is the US and Britain, but they are quite serious about anti-terrorism in Saudi Arabia and pursue it at least as zealously as Israel. You can fault them for contributing to the problem, but you cannot accuse them of a lack of seriousness about working to combat the symptoms.

Posted by daytrader | October 29, 2007 7:48 AM


Do yourself a favor and go over an read Melanie Phillips who just moved house to the Spectator UK or EuReferendum and their companion site DefenseoftheRealm and see what half measures a political ball games are being played in the WOT and their whiffle ball approach to the military has been. They have defense issues come up in parliament for discussion and you could fire a cannon load of grape shot into the room and not hit anybody because less than a dozen ministers have even shown up to debate the issue.

The new treaty of Lisbon has basically turned England into a county (not a country) of the EU.

They can debate till their blood runs on the floor about new edicts out of Brussels but that doesn't make a difference any more since they cant vote them down or even approve them. Parliament is adding to their days off schedule because they no longer have enough to keep them busy with the number of days they now serve.

They have become a figurehead signifying nothing. They are building a European gold plated GPS system that is behind schedule and way over cost and wont even become operational until way after the Chinese system is up an running and then have the stupidity to believe people will pay to use it rather than the free alternatives.

Then they have the Euro Fighter a state of the art combat aircraft from from maybe 15 years ago with a cost per unit that make Boeing look efficient.

Posted by patrick neid | October 29, 2007 7:52 AM

To be British about this, the King has a lot of "cheek" pointing the finger at anyone.

It is the royal family itself that is spreading the most vile of all forms of radical Islam--Wahabbism. All the 9/11 terrorists were from this school. Bin Laden himself has roots in this tradition.

Worse still is that the Saudis' finance mosques worldwide, including the US, preaching this evil ideology. Like I said, he has a lot of f'king nerve even discussing the subject. The only terrorism they fight are the people who are looking to overthrow his debauched family. Admittedly sometimes they are the same folks we are looking for, but that's just a coincidence.
Ultimately this entire war on terror will lead to their doorsteps. The sooner the better.

The best part--they don't get along with Rudy!

Posted by daytrader | October 29, 2007 7:58 AM

Sure MI5 is trying to do their job but they have a budget now that is as a percent of GDP ranking somewhere near what the dog catchers get. The big political issues of the day after if they are going to have a vote on the treaty is what is the trash collection schedule at the local level and how many post offices they have to close to meet the requirements of the EU so they are on equal footing with Lower Slobovia for post offices per person.

Posted by NahnCee | October 29, 2007 11:43 AM

When the religious cops - the Muttawa - are banned in The Kingdom, then I'll start to believe Saudi is serious about their little terrorism problem. Until then, if they have uneducated yahoo's prancing about beating ordinary people to death with no retribution, then it means the Wahhabi's are firmly entrenched and Saudi Arabia is and remains a backwards barbaric country committed to killing infidels.

Posted by LarryD | October 29, 2007 1:59 PM

The House of Saud made its pact with the Wahhabis at least as far back as the 1930s, some members now realize that they are riding the tiger.

And that is the problem they are now in: the tiger is eying them, but if they try and dismount...

Posted by LarryD | October 29, 2007 2:11 PM

The House of Saud made its pact with the Wahhabis at least as far back as the 1930s, some members now realize that they are riding the tiger.

And that is the problem they are now in: the tiger is eying them, but if they try and dismount...

Posted by Max | October 29, 2007 3:28 PM

Chutzpah. That's the only word that works.

Posted by Carol Herman | October 29, 2007 4:33 PM

We missed the boat!

Bush the elder, was rightfully tossed from office; after a single term.

As a matter of fact, Reagan's blunders into Beirut; and the bombing of the marine's barracks, happens to have Saudi fingerprints all over that fiasco.

Where Bandar says "he was forced to give up the name of his chauffeur. (In a world where the saud's have lots of cars. And, more than one pion driver.)

I won't be happy until the saud's cough up Dubya's 3-page letter; written to Fahd. In Agusut 2001, appeasing the angry saud's who took issue with Dubya "drawing close to Israel."

That letter is a doozy.

As to the "price tag" of $3-trillion and growing, for Irak; I think a whole flock of chickens, ahead, come home to roost. And, as they fly over the right wing of republican politics? What's dropping isn't gonna be called "fertilizer."

So sad. Saddam was very willing to toss the saud's out of saudi arabia. Why didn't we just let him?

Posted by Carol Herman | October 29, 2007 4:43 PM

Day Trader, I agree with you. The undesirable EU Constitution, might fly over Britannica; because Brown won't hold a referendum.

On the other hand? The much more popular Tony Blair is now out peddling his book. After losing so much of his strength in parliament. (A loss of over 100 seats!) He says, in his book, "he had sleepless nights."

While the 7 year mess in Iraq? What did we do? Give saudi arabia an ability to survive the easy battles that would have been Saddam's? We could have flushed this out of our world's toilet bowl, back in 1991.

You bet, up ahead, when this is analyzed, the Bush Family will go down in our history as worse, even, than the EU.

By the way. From experience. Where America "with all good intentions," saw our own first 11 years nearly bring the experiment to a halt ...

What would make you think that anything the EU does, to get itself some powers ... whose heads have to roll?

My answer? Queen of England's.

And, then all the other crowns.

And, in less than a dozen years, IF the EU tries to stick its "constitution" up the arses of folks who think it's crap ... how soon does it just turn into a version of toilet paper?

Up ahead? Bush has caused a terrible problem for US. We're back to diplomatic shilly-shall-y-ing ... I think. For awhile.

Until we rinse this $3-trillion-MESS up.

Vietnam? Where? We've got Vietnamese people in America who are math worthy. Smart. And, delightful.

And, what's our military got now? Not even the surrender flag from TNR.

Yeah. I said it. The military couldn't even capture a piece of underwear flying over a building in NYC. Oh, and liberals have ink by the barrel full.

Just because they're quiet ... doesn't mean there can't be a shift in what people have seen ... And, what may come out of a bit of introspection.

Recession? Never popular. Also there.

Good time to keep your cash supply, dry.

Posted by Fight4TheRight | October 29, 2007 5:59 PM

I'd like to echo the comments of Patrick Neid - you hit the nail on the head, Patrick.

For the Saudi King to point a finger at Britain for complacency on terror would be like John Dillinger blaming the banks for having money in their vaults.

Saudi Arabia IS the terrorist problem! If it ever came out how much terror activity has been funded by the Sauds in the past 20 years, it will knock your socks off. Can we remember the payouts to Hamas suicide bomber families????

The Wahabbis are the single biggest flash point of world terror and the old king sure knows that. They only have an issue with Al Qaeda because they've been attacked a few times.

I realize the importance of having some allies in the Middle East but for President Bush and the rest to ignore this terrorist elephant in the room has become ridiculous

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