October 30, 2007

Project Valour-IT -- A Cause Made For The Blogosphere

The annual Project Valour-IT fundraising competition began this weekend -- and this ship forgot to leave the dock! Soldier's Angels conducts an annual drive to raise funds for a great cause, one that seems tailor-made for the blogosphere. Project Valour-IT purchases voice-activated laptops for wounded soldiers, allowing them a vital tool for productivity and self-confidence. It would be difficult to think of a better way for bloggers and their readers to provide assistance and show gratitude for the sacrifices made by our men and women in the military.

Last year, Captain's Quarters joined the Marine Corps team [see update below]. This year, however, I've decided to join the Navy (and see the world!) The Navy team has gotten off to a slow start, much like this blog, so I'm hoping for fair winds and a big push from the readers. Donate what you can to a great cause!

UPDATE: Apparently, I joined the Navy last year, too, according to Cassandra in the comments. Wow. That must have been some powerful grog!

UPDATE II: Thanks to James Larson for applying the fix to the widget!


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