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January 12, 2008

NARN, The Progress(ive) Is A Mirage Edition (And A Happy Birthday To ....)

The Northern Alliance Radio Network will be on the air today, with our six-hour-long broadcast schedule starting at 11 am CT. The first two hours features Power Line's John Hinderaker and Chad and Brian from Fraters Libertas. Mitch and I hit the airwaves for the second shift from 1-3 pm CT, and King Banaian and Michael Broadkorb have The Final Word from 3-5. If you're in the Twin Cities, you can hear us on AM 1280 The Patriot, or on the station's Internet stream if you're outside of the broadcast area.

Today, Mitch and I will certainly discuss the Republican debate, the New Hampshire primaries, but also the progress in Iraq today with the de-Ba'athification reform law passing unanimously and the Iraqi claim to have completely penetrated al-Qaeda in Iraq. Don't miss it!

Be sure to call 651-289-4488 to join the conversation!

UPDATE: Happy Birthday to the man who made conservative talk radio a dominating presence -- Rush Limbaugh. We're all in your debt, sir, and thank you for all of the hard work you do.


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