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January 28, 2008

Not Endorsed

If anyone wondered whether Rudy Giuliani intended to go quietly into the night, their new ad answers those queries succinctly. While John McCain continues to promote the endorsements he has received from newspapers in Florida and around the nation, Rudy wants to transform those endorsements from assets to liabilities. In his new ad, "Not Endorsed", Rudy proves that he understands the primary voters a little better than McCain:

I couldn't help laughing when I saw this. The voice-over tone is dead perfect, and it strikes to the heart of conservative mistrust of McCain. It may be too late to do Giuliani much good, but it's a great reminder of why I liked Rudy as a candidate.


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» Eh, who needs your endorsements, anyway? from Public Secrets: from the files of the Irishspy
Rudy Giuliani may be near the end in Florida, but at least he's going down with a fight. In this latest ad, he takes all the endorsements McCain has won and turns them into a badge of honor -- for [Read More]

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