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November 12, 2003
It's The Diva in All of Us

Syl Jones, a writer I don't normally recommend, has a good column in today's Strib about the growing sense of uncivility in today's society:

At twilight a few weeks ago, on I-394 East, I witnessed yet another sign of our impending demise as a species. A young man held a "Howard Dean for President" sign on an overpass, waving at the passing cars. Directly in front of me, a bull-necked idiot driving a Jeep Wagoneer leaned out of his window and violently thrust his middle finger in the air, causing a temporary loss of vehicle stability that put me and several other drivers at risk of injury.

To say that some people are angry these days is an understatement. The streets are boiling with unhappy, impatient and selfish people just spoiling for a fight. Sometimes, it's hard not to give them one.

Jones presents a new theory of Divalution; if you're a fan of Devo, you may think that Jones is engaging in a bit of borrowing, but his point is that the inner diva in all of us is pushing humanity to de-evolve:

It's a dispiriting combination of devolution -- moving backward toward Cro-Magnon Man -- and the relatively recent phenomenon of diva worship.

In pop music, divas used to be considered spoiled brats. Now, the term is heartily embraced by the likes of Whitney Houston, Cher, and even the talent-free Britney Spears. But apparently, strutting one's stuff isn't just for the runway or the stage anymore, nor is it limited to women, because many nonmusical men also believe they have the "right" to disrupt public events by imposing on others.

Like any good scientist, Jones supports his theory with several examples of Diva sightings in everyday life, and you know, he sure does seem to have a point. Read the whole column -- even if you don't agree, it's still pretty entertaining.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at November 12, 2003 5:18 AM

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