Captain's Quarters Blog

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February 20, 2004
1,000 Posts -- And Another New Look

Just in time for my 1,000th post, Mel at Skinny Dippin' Design has the second skin ready for Captain's Quarters. If you look at the left sidebar just below my e-mail, you'll see a new link titled, "Skin the Site". If you click it, you will be given the option of choosing between two 'skins' for the site. The first, which is the one you're likely using right now, is called "War", and that's the one with the azure background and the stunning graphic of a ship sailing into battle. The second skin is called "Peace" and features a softer look, different fonts, and a completely new graphic. As long as your browser is cookie-enabled, you should be able to choose which skin you get whenever you come back to CQ -- which you should do often, of course.

I have received a lot of great feedback on the site, and a few people are having trouble displaying the sidebars due to the colors used. The new skin may help, so I would encourage you to give it a try. If not, Mel and I are developing a third skin with a more basic look in order to make sure everyone can read the site comfortably. Don't hesitate to let me know what you think! If you're considering a new blog or a new look for your existing blog, you should be talking to Mel.

A couple of other housekeeping notes:

* Mel has reconfigured the archives so that you can access weekly and monthly archives through drop-down boxes in the right sidebar. Category archives are accessible under their own heading, of course, and if you click the Archives label, you will go to a page where all of my posts are listed individually, in descending date order. All 1,000 of them. Happy hunting! (It's great for searching on titles.)

* When I converted the blogrolls from the static lists on the old site to Blogrolling, apparently some of them didn't convert properly. If your blog has been dropped off of my blogrolls, let me know ASAP so I can fix the problem.

* Also, my old site is now a backup site and won't be updated unless HM has a DDoS attack or some such, so you should update your blogrolls to this site if you have me blogrolled. If you blogroll through Blogrolling and add CQ, your site should automatically appear in Sister Ships. Or at least, that's the rumor at Blogrolling ...

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at February 20, 2004 8:27 AM

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» Captain Ed Has New Digs from Strange Women Lying in Ponds
Captain Ed has a new URL and is blogging up a storm. Btw, there was recently some discussion on how to build up traffic on a new blog. Captain Ed could just about write the field manual on that subject. [Read More]

Tracked on February 22, 2004 6:35 PM

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