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February 24, 2004
Caption Contest!

Note: The winners can be found on this post!

Here's something for a bit of fun -- take a look at the picture below of a soulful John Kerry singalong, and come up with your best caption. The prize? How about a tape of the Captain singing "Margaritaville"? Er, no ... better just be the fame and glory of winning this contest.

Put your entries in the comments to this post. I'll announce the winner next Tuesday night.

UPDATE: I'll bump this entry up each day to keep it near the top. There's been a terrific response -- I may have to bring in a guest judge to make the final decision here! Keep 'em coming ...

UPDATE II: This contest has been wildly successful -- and instead of one winner, I'll be announcing two: one for best caption and another for best song lyrics, because you all have just been too creative for one award. A mystery guest judge will select one of the winners after the contest closes at 6 pm CST Tuesday night, when comments will be closed. Stay tuned!

UPDATE III: I will be closing comments off around 6 pm CST tonight (Tuesday), so if you're waffling, make sure you get your entry in. Our Mystery Judge is the Commissar himself from the Politburo Diktat -- so, beware all of you bourgeois capitalists that have made too much fun of Comrade Kerry! The Commissar will make the selection for Best Caption, and I will select Best Lyrics. The winners will be announced Wednesday morning at the latest ...

UPDATE IV, THE DOUBLE ALBUM: Comments will be closed at 6:30 pm CST, or about an hour from now, as posted in Hugh Hewitt's blog. Anything later than that and it gets too dark for my wood-fired generator up here in Minnesota ...

6:32 PM CST: Comments are closed! We'll have the results for you tomorrow morning at the latest. Big thanks to everyone who entered, and to Hugh Hewitt and The Mudville Gazette for sending their readers over. I got 109 comments, by far the most I've received on any one post. Thanks for all the fun, everyone!

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at February 24, 2004 6:30 AM

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