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February 24, 2004
What If They Held a Primary and No One Came?

Did you know that three states hold primaries or caucuses today? Apparently, neither did the presidential candidates:

In contests that largely have been overlooked by the candidates, voters in three states decide Tuesday who they want to see as the Democratic presidential nominee. ... Hawaii and Idaho are holding caucuses and Utah is holding a primary. A total of 61 delegates are at stake, just 3 percent of the total needed to win the nomination at the Democratic nominating convention in July.

In a sign of how little attention these contests are getting, not one of the major Democratic presidential hopefuls were in any of those three states Tuesday.

If these contests are so inconsequential, why did the Democrats schedule them so far up the calendar? Wouldn't it make more sense to put California and a couple of the other states from next week to this week? I'm sure that more populous states locked far down the schedule wouldn't mind playing a more decisive role in selecting their nominee.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at February 24, 2004 6:59 PM

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