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With the Christmas in Cambodia myth collapsing all around him, Matt Drudge is flashing the news that John Kerry has turned to official biographer Douglas Brinkley -- whose previous work never mentioned Kerry's purported foray into Cambodia -- to recast his mission in January rather than December:
TOUR OF DUTY author and John Kerry historian Doug Brinkley is rushing a piece for the NEW YORKER: to set-the-record-straight on Kerry's Christmas in Cambodia tale, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.Kerry has turned to author Brinkley for a "modification" after it was exposed that Kerry was not in Cambodia during Christmas of 1968, as he once claimed from the Senate floor.
The Brinkley piece for the NEW YORKER will now say that Kerry was not in Cambodia during Christmas, but rather in January, publishing sources tell DRUDGE.
Perhaps John Kerry meant the French celebration of Christmas, fete du roi, all along! The Feast of the King is Janury 6, but that won't be the actual date, nor will "clarification" be the real reason. Stephen Gardner served with Kerry for two months on his swift boat, until the middle of January. Gardner has been outspoken about the fact that he never went into Cambodia, not with John Kerry or anyone else. In fact, Gardner has given quite a lot of background as to how improbable a swift-boat excursion five miles into Cambodia would be, not the least of which is the less-than-stealthy nature of the boat itself. Putting John Kerry in Cambodia at the end of January allows them to cut Gardner off at the knees and avoid dealing with the one man on Kerry's boat that opposes Kerry. It's a transparent ploy to rehabilitate a transparently false story.
It still doesn't address Kerry's repeated assertions that he was ordered into Cambodia on Christmas Eve, a story he has told repeatedly in order to give him credibility. The story included the assertion that Kerry was under friendly fire from friendly Vietnamese shooting weapons to celebrate Christmas, as well as hostile fire from Cambodians. Did the Vietnamese celebrate Christmas in January? Were they also celebrating the French holiday?
Besides, Brinkley left the entire incident of the first biography, presumably for a reason. If he rehabilitates it now, shouldn't that open Brinkley up for questions as to why he ignored the story in the first place? It will be interesting to see if Brinkley takes the bait and puts his own credibility on the line to jump-start Kerry's.
John O'Neill isn't buying it either, and promises that Kerry will need to remain flexible in the coming days as the book, Unfit For Command, is released to the general public:
“John Kerry describes Christmas Eve in Cambodia as a critical turning point in his life. We now know that his story is completely false. My question is how many people do you know have invented a turning point, one that is seared in his memory? While it makes sense for John Kerry to come clean about the Cambodia story, it is one of several tales that the Kerry campaign will have to face and clarify.”“By claiming we were engaged in a war crime and crossing international borders, John Kerry damaged the credibility of all the commanding officers above him and insulted the sailors who served with him,” said John O’Neill, member of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.”
Kerry's backpedaling and the repeated and incoherent attempts of his campaign to spin this into silence reveals the desperation at Kerry/Edwards. All of this, and we've only read one chapter of the book ...
UPDATE: Brinkley already sold out, apparently to the London Telegraph. While conceding that Kerry lied about Christmas in Cambodia for the past 30+ years, now he wants us to believe the Kerry instead made several "black ops" trips across the border, after Gardner left:
"On Christmas Eve he was near Cambodia; he was around 50 miles from the Cambodian border. There's no indictment of Kerry to be made, but he was mistaken about Christmas in Cambodia," said Douglas Brinkley, who has unique access to the candidate's wartime journals.But Mr Brinkley rejected accusations that the senator had never been to Cambodia, insisting he was telling the truth about running undisclosed "black" missions there at the height of the war.
He said: "Kerry went into Cambodian waters three or four times in January and February 1969 on clandestine missions. He had a run dropping off US Navy Seals, Green Berets and CIA guys." The missions were not armed attacks on Cambodia, said Mr Brinkley, who did not include the clandestine missions in his wartime biography of Mr Kerry, Tour of Duty.
If Brinkley had the information on these clandestine missions when writing the book, why didn't he include them? After all, it wasn't like Kerry kept his supposed incursions a state secret, and it certainly would have been a great selling point. And now it's the unholy trio of black ops -- Navy SEALs, Green Berets, and the CIA, oh my. How convenient that his new missions don't lend themselves to documentation ... but I'm sure that's just a coincidence. (Via reader Allen Lewis)
UPDATE: My good friend and Northern Alliance colleague Big Trunk at Power Line has this to say about Brinkley:
In the event, God forbid, of a Kerry administration, Kerry's faux JFK will play to Brinkley's faux Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., who is himself (still) a bastardized version of a real historian.
A faux Arthur Schlesinger? It's like being called a fake cubic zirconia, isn't it? Trunk really knows how to hurt a guy!
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» ORTHODOX Christmas in Cambodia from mypetjawa v. 2.0 (beta)
Did you know that the Orthodox church celebrates Christmas two weeks after we do? That's what John Kerry meant by Christmas in Cambodia.....Orthodox Christmas Drudge flash: Kerry has turned to author Brinkley for a "modification" after it was exposed t... [Read More]
Tracked on August 12, 2004 10:18 PM
» Dangerous Game the Press is Playing...now we know its for keeps! from The Pink Flamingo Bar Grill
More than money, though you should give, the Swift Boat Vets for Truth need to keep getting exposure. I just cannot believe that the National Press can keep the lid on this story for much longer. The damage this sort of cover-up will cause is so deep a... [Read More]
Tracked on August 13, 2004 2:56 AM
» Tiny Cambodian Mummies from Ed Driscoll.com
What do you when you've spent the last 25 years with memories Christmas in Cambodia seared--seared!!--into your brain and you're called on making it up? Well, if you're John Kerry, you apparently get your favorite writer to write a new... [Read More]
Tracked on August 13, 2004 3:18 AM
» A Slow Boat To Cambodia from Knight Of The Mind
Kerry might even have a plausible explanation for this pile of hooey. He needs to produce it before he rides any further into his own pile of dung. Otherwise, I'd be inclined to opine that John F. Kerry wasn't the swiftest boat on the rivers of Indochi... [Read More]
Tracked on August 13, 2004 9:19 AM
I hate to draw attention to the piece of meat conservative blog-piranhas are currently feasting on: Kerry's Christmas in Cambodia. But in the interest of truth and the blog-media connection, here I am. In a nutshell, Kerry has famously shared [Read More]
Tracked on August 13, 2004 7:19 PM
» Reaction to Kerry's Changing Cambodia Story from New England Republican
So here is some of the latest reaction from yesterday and today. You can see my thoughts here and some related posts here and here. [Read More]
Tracked on August 14, 2004 1:30 PM
» Lloyd from Lloyd
Alejandro [Read More]
Tracked on March 28, 2006 8:30 PM


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