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September 20, 2004
CBS Coordinated Smear With Kerry Advisor

The news gets worse by the hour for John Kerry as his new campaign advisor, Joe Lockhart, admitted that CBS asked him to contact Bill Burkett regarding the National Guard story:

At the behest of CBS, an adviser to John Kerry said he talked to a central figure in the controversy over President Bush's National Guard service shortly before disputed documents were released. ...

Lockhart said [CBS producer Mary] Mapes asked him the weekend before the story broke to call Burkett. "She basically said there's a guy who is being helpful on the story who wants to talk to you," Lockhart said, adding that it was common knowledge that CBS was working on a story raising questions about Bush's Guard service. Mapes told him there were some records "that might move the story forward. She didn't tell me what they said."

First, let's consider the obvious. We now have CBS personnel pimping their sources to the Kerry campaign in order to do what -- coordinate the smear piece with timely attacks from leading Democrats? If you'll recall, a number of people commented on how quickly Democrats such as Tom Harkin and Terry McAuliffe seemed to get a grasp on the material. Now it appears that Lockhart gave them all a head start ... with a huge assist from CBS.

So now we can consider CBS an adjunct of the Democratic Party. If you think that's hyperbole, can you envision any scenario in which a CBS producer would give a heads-up to Ken Mehlman or Matthew Dowd on a promising oppo source? CBS talks about credibility and independence, but this episode shows clearly that they are nothing more than partisan shills for the Democrats.

For this alone, the entire management staff at CBS News should get the heave-ho, along with Mapes and Rather. Such a level of coordination between a major broadcaster and one political party is unprecedented.

But looking beyond the obvious, the fact that CBS went to Joe Lockhart -- who had just joined the campaign -- is intriguing, in all senses of the word. Lockhart came to Kerry via his long association with the Clintons, part of the new team of advisors that Democrats urged Kerry to invite aboard to re-energize his campaign. Democrats hoped for more of the Clinton magic. Instead, Kerry got the Clinton sleaze, and that may just be the start of it.

Kerry was asked earlier about the Clintonistas joining his campaign, and he laughed off suggestions that they may sabotage his candidacy to ensure a clear field for Hillary in 2008. Lockhart may just be imcompetent, but I'll bet Kerry isn't laughing now. Lockhart calling Burkett may be the stupidest move ever by a senior campaign advisor -- or the stupidest since Sandy Berger stuffed top-secret documents in his jacket and in his socks to sneak them out of the National Archive.

And come to think of it -- Berger's a Clintonista, too ...

UPDATE: Michael Moore tries cheering up the demoralized Kerry supporters, or what's left of them, by reminding them that Kerry has embraced Clinton's team. Talk about being behind the news cycle!

UPDATE II: Kevin at Wizbang -- one of my RNC cohorts -- suggests who Burkett claimed as his source when dealing with CBS. I don't see why that would make for an "unimpeachable" source, but who knows; maybe it does in CBS World.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at September 20, 2004 9:25 PM

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» Still Waiting for Proof of Those RNC-Swift Boat Vets for Truth Connections from infidel cowboy
Meanwhile, a second official associated with the Kerry campaign admits talking to Burkett about the phony baloney documents used in Rather's smear job, at the behest of CBS no less. Of course, the lamestream media at this point accepts at... [Read More]

Tracked on September 20, 2004 10:36 PM

» CBS pisses away their credibility trying to save J from The Pink Flamingo Bar Grill
Not sure what is worse, John Kerry not being able to do anything but lie to beat President Bush and be willing to do anything or a Major News Orginization CBS collaborating with John Kerry to defeat a sitting President at war. I am not sure what Roos... [Read More]

Tracked on September 20, 2004 10:37 PM

» CBS Admits a from Time is a Factor
I don't think that this does much to restore credibility in CBS. The facts had been available to CBS the entire time, but rather than address them, they tried to brazen their way through. When that didn't work, they took a flier on their second line ... [Read More]

Tracked on September 20, 2004 11:09 PM

» Who Pointed CBS To Burkett? from RIGHT ON RED >>
In Rather's "admission" today, he stated thatHe did not come to us; we went to him and asked him for the documents.To which Allah respondsWho told them Burkett had the documents?The obvious first choice is Cleland and/or the Kerry campaign. Bu... [Read More]

Tracked on September 20, 2004 11:35 PM

» Out of the Crosshairs from The American Mind
Maybe I'm overreacting, but USA Today does it again. Dave Moniz and Jim Drinkard, along with Kevin Johnson, continue to... [Read More]

Tracked on September 21, 2004 1:17 AM

» AP says there's a connection.... from BitsBlog
This is political dirty tricks on a scale unknown previously in American history... and certainly on a criminal scale.... all brought to us by the Democrats. [Read More]

Tracked on September 21, 2004 8:01 AM

» CBS' Grave Ethical Breach from
A column over at raises "the question of whether CBS was a vessel for, if not a willing participant in, a partisan dirty trick two months before a closely contested Presidential election." The answer now appears to be "willing [Read More]

Tracked on September 21, 2004 10:19 AM

» Unimpeachable from CognoCentric
"The odds of Burkett being impeached again are astronomical. He's pre-impeached. We're going to be safe here." [Read More]

Tracked on September 21, 2004 12:50 PM

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