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September 28, 2004
Kerry to Bush: "Stop it!"

According to the AFP, candidate Kerry is sick and tired of campaign ads, or at least those directed at him:

Kerry said the avalanche of negative television spots and attacks being shown on US screens was scaring off voters.
"Americans need a real conversation over our future," Kerry said in a speech at a school in Spring Green, Wisconsin.
"What they don't need is all these trumped up advertisements, they just make people curl up and walk away," added the Massachusetts senator.
"I'm calling them 'misleadisments,'" Kerry said of the adverts. "It's all scare tactics ... because (Bush) has no record to run on."

Whatever happened to "bring it on?"

After crying for the Republicans to quit being mean, Kerry explained how his numerous positions on Iraq are not inconsistent:

"I've been right on Iraq all along," said Kerry. "I said yes, we ought to hold him (Saddam Hussein) accountable, but let's do it the right way, and I showed what it was, step by step. And step-by-step the president chose the wrong way."

That ought to clear things up.

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Posted by Whiskey at September 28, 2004 5:32 AM

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“What can I say — just tip my hat and call the President my daddy,” Kerry said. “I can’t find a way to beat him at this point. ... he's that good. He's that hot right now — at least against me. I wish he would disa... [Read More]

Tracked on September 28, 2004 3:29 PM

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