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October 1, 2004
Italians Pay Million-Dollar Ransom For Islam Converts?

If the rumors are true and the Italians paid $1 million for the return of the "Two Simonas", they likely will ask for a refund now that the two women have started giving interviews after their return to Italy. The two women have turned into mouthpieces for the Islamofascists who terrorized them:

Italy's adoration of the "two Simonas", the women aid workers abducted in Iraq, began to sour yesterday, as the extent of their sympathy for the Iraqi fight against the allied occupation became clear.

Simona Pari, Simona Torretta and Lello Rienzi talk to the press
In their first big interviews given since their release in return for a reported $1 million ransom on Tuesday, Simona Pari and Simona Torretta, both 29, gave their backing to insurgents opposing the allied forces. ...

"If you ask me about terrorism, I'll tell you that there is terrorism and there is resistance. The resistance struggle of people against an occupying force is guaranteed by international law."

No wonder the Islamists let them go; it sounds like they graduated magna cum laude from the al-Zarqawi Institute. Not only did they lecture the world on the "resistance" fighters, but had the nerve to crassly thank the Italian Islamic community -- and their captors, in Arabic, on Al-Jazeera -- for their release before bothering to acknowledge the Italian government or their Red Cross representatives. Simona Torretta even announced that she's studying Islam, but assures her Catholic countrymen that she's not going to convert ... for now.

Hope Berlusconi thinks he got his money's worth.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at October 1, 2004 9:38 PM

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Just as Dilnareen over at the KBU has posted, the two Italian women who were once captives of Islamic terrorists now praise their captors as resistance fighters. brainwashing at its best. I sure am glad the Italians paid off the terrorists to get the... [Read More]

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