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Lorie from Polipundit e-mailed me last night, unfortunately after I'd passed out from exhaustion after guest-hosting the Hugh Hewitt show, that Lawrence O'Donnell had a complete meltdown during the Joe Scarborough show on MS-NBC when Swiftvet leader John O'Neill appeared on the show. She wrote that the debacle was twice as embarassing as the Chris Matthews/Michelle Malkin debacle. (Michelle weighs in on O'Donnell here.) The Daily Recycler has a video excerpt that you have to see to believe.
MS-NBC does not yet have the transcript up, mainly because it's difficult to retype "liar" 50 or more times. I'm not exaggerating. And I disagree that Lawrence O'Donnell had a "meltdown" at all. When you watch the video, O'Donnell seemed very much in control of himself -- he wasn't rolling his eyes or foaming at the mouth. He stared grimly into the camera and every time O'Neill opened his mouth, O'Donnell started screaming at the top of his lungs that O'Neill was a liar and a creep. Guest host Pat Buchanon -- no stranger to screamfests -- appeared flummoxed by O'Donnell, but several times tried to get O'Donnell to shut up, but to no avail. Why Buchanon didn't simply instruct the producers, on-air, to shut off O'Donnell's microphone is beyond me.
However, O'Donnell didn't just pull this strategy out of a hat. Democrats around the country have begun using intimidation and sheer rage to silence Republicans. Our local Bush/Cheney headquarters in St. Paul wound up being invaded by union thugs with bullhorns who tried scaring off families with small children from getting tickets to a Bush appearance earlier this month. They pushed their way into the offices, taking over the intercom system and refusing to leave, shouting and using the bullhorn to keep people from doing their jobs.
Nor was that an isolated incident. GOP offices around the country have had equipment stolen, people assaulted, and windows shot out. Bush hatred has deranged a significant segment of the Left in this country, to the point where their fascist leanings have come to the fore. Al Gore accused bloggers of being "digital brownshirts", but these people have become the real thing. They're using physical violence to intimidate their political opponents and deliberately ensuring that Republicans cannot speak in public to explain their positions. God help us if the Lawrence O'Donnells wind up in power again.
We'll have John O'Neill on the Northern Alliance Radio Network today, which starts at noon CT. Be sure to tune us in on AM 1280 The Patriot or over our web stream. We're going to get the answer to Pat Buchanon's question, and much more.
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» A Challenge Issued, will the Right understand befo from The Pink Flamingo Bar Grill
A Challenge Issued, will the Right understand before its too late? [Read More]
Tracked on October 23, 2004 9:27 AM
» That O'Donnell Meltdown on MSNBC from Lead and Gold
O'Donnell doesn't want you to hear what John o'Neill has to say. Fortunately, he can't intimidate the guys of the Northern Alliance Radio Network. John O'Neill will be on their program TODAY (starts at 12.00pm CT). See Captain Ed for more details. I've... [Read More]
Tracked on October 23, 2004 10:00 AM
» The O'Donnell Factor from RIGHT ON RED >>
This is not the first time O'Donnell has shown his *ss on national television. [Read More]
Tracked on October 23, 2004 11:37 AM
» Lawrence O'Donnell: Crazed Moonbat from Secure Liberty
So we have yet another liberal whacko totally losing control. The 'sphere is all abuzz about MSNBC "Senior Political Analyst" Lawrence O'Donnell losing it, while confronting Johm O'Neil of the Swiftvets on MSNBC's Scarborough Country. I'll tell you w... [Read More]
Tracked on October 23, 2004 1:03 PM
» MSNBC meltdown of O'Donnell from Shouting into the Wind
Must be seen to be believed. I direct you to Captain's Quarters for details and links. Although, here is the video link at the The Daily Recycler. [Read More]
Tracked on October 23, 2004 1:34 PM


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