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April 7, 2005
A Big Thank You To My Friends In Canada

Now that the publication ban has been lifted, at least from the Brault testimony (more on that in a moment), the Canadian media have taken over the role of presenting the information that should have been available to Canadians all along. I had planned on reviewing the material for some blogging tonight, but I think that everyone needs to absorb the entire record for a bit first.

Over the past week, I have had the good fortune of interacting with a number of Canadians on this story -- my source, the media, and all the terrific people who have left comments on my blog. Most of you have offered your encouragement and thanks, which are much appreciated. Those who criticized my decision to post the material mostly did so politely and courteously. A number of you have dropped a few loonies in the tip jar along the way, which is much appreciated. A couple of you want me to run for PM, which only proves that political insanity does not exclusively run among Americans, even if we often have a corner on the market.

I'm feeling a bit under the weather tonight, so I'll put off any other blogging until tomorrow. I wanted to make sure that I offered my thanks to all of the new readers who have been so kind during the week, and a big hat tip to everyone who linked to me, especially the Canadian bloggers who risked a contempt charge to do so. Never let it be said that Canadians lack the courage of their convictions.

If the publication ban stays in effect for the testimony of Chuck Guité and I find a source who can report it, CQ will post the material as soon as it becomes available.

Have a great night and make sure to go through the extensive material released today.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at April 7, 2005 8:41 PM

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» I'll be staying at a friends place for a few days. from Mindless in Ottawa
This is a picture of Canada's biggest enemy... [Read More]

Tracked on April 8, 2005 9:10 AM

» Canada's Saddest Day... from Mindless in Ottawa
Money, power, control; these are the currencies of the weak, the elixirs of the dammed. What we have lost, what has been taken, the very soul of the nation, how can that be rebuilt? ... [Read More]

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