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After spending weeks screeching about the alleged ethical abuses of Republican Whip Tom DeLay, Congressional Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi suddenly came down with a case of laryngitis when several Democrats were found to have the same problems as DeLay in their travel arrangements. The GOP now wants Pelosi to back the same investigations for these Democrats as she demanded for DeLay, and calls her silence "hypocritical":
House Republicans called Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi a hypocrite yesterday for not demanding investigations into new ethics questions that have arisen about the travel of her fellow Democrats."She demanded an investigation into [Majority Leader] Tom DeLay, but hasn't said a word about these Democrats who have done the same thing," said Rep. Patrick T. McHenry, North Carolina Republican. "If she doesn't call for investigations into her fellow Democrats, then it's clear she's being a hypocrite."
Republicans are wondering why the California representative won't ask for investigations into Democratic Reps. Norm Dicks of Washington, Bennie Thompson of Mississippi, James E. Clyburn of South Carolina and Neil Abercrombie of Hawaii, all of whom face questions about accepting travel paid for by lobbyists.
"As we expressed in earlier letters, Madame Leader, it appears more and more that your repeated calls for an investigation of Mr. DeLay are more driven by politics than by any real concern for the House rules," Mr. McHenry, with two other Republicans, wrote in a letter to Mrs. Pelosi yesterday.
Pelosi and the other House Democrats celebrated what they saw as a key political victory when the GOP rolled back rules changes for ethics investigations. They thought that Democratic efforts to paint Republicans as corrupt had worked and that they had a clear path to railroad DeLay out of the GOP leadership, if not Congress altogether. However, the Republicans apparently used their time wisely and did some investigations of their own -- and hit pay dirt on a number of Pelosi's colleagues.
Now the Democrats have been hoisted upon their own petard. They can't very well claim the moral high ground on ethics if they give their own members a pass. Either they will have to drop the efforts against DeLay, or they will have to sacrifice a number of their own representatives to pursue the GOP leader. With the number of people who fall under the bar Pelosi set increasing by the day, the House itself will lose interest in the whole thing ... and Pelosi may find herself out of leadership herself.
Expect this whole ethics issue to quietly go away, replaced by other issues that don't risk the Pyrrhic victory that now stares Pelosi in the face.
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» Glass Houses - Update from Flopping Aces
Guess I'm not the only one who think Pelosi is being a hypocrite [Read More]
Tracked on May 4, 2005 9:43 AM
» The Sounds of Silence From Pelosi from The Dread Pundit Bluto
...Pelosi replied, "Americans should trust Democrats because we created Social Security."
I see. Does that mean we should trust the Democrats on voter fraud? [Read More]
Tracked on May 4, 2005 10:31 AM
» Pelosi a hypocrite from The Unalienable Right
As we noted earlier, we think the Republicans should begin filing ethics charges against the Democratic leadership in response to similar filings by the Democrats, beginning with Nancy Pelosi.
Captain's Quarters reports the Republicans are hitting P... [Read More]
Tracked on May 4, 2005 11:45 AM
» Tit-for-Tat, But I Don't Like That!!!! from pekin prattles
"Foist on me own pitard!"
Thus is the word from Shakespeare!
Thus is the word FOR Nancy Pelosi & her troops.....
Just how very stupid could they be? (Sorry, guess I already knew that answer!) [Read More]
Tracked on May 4, 2005 2:53 PM
» Hastert Was Right from Hard Starboard
When I saw the report last week that, in acquiescence to Democrat demands vis-a-vie "embattled" Majority Leader Tom DeLay, House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert was backing down on the rules change enacted at the start of the 109th Congress that required a... [Read More]
Tracked on May 4, 2005 3:28 PM
» MORE Democrat Hipocrisy from File it Under
Via WILLisms.com and Social Security Choice, this little nugget comes up on Fox News.
Read it all.
Stop what you're doing and read it all. Here's why: [Read More]
Tracked on May 4, 2005 3:55 PM
» http://dangerousdan.us/?p=963 from Dangerous Dan
One of the dangerous things about criticizing politicians of the opposing party for ethics violations is that there are very likely members of your own party who have done the same thing. This seems to be the case with Tom Delay. Nancy Pelosi has bee... [Read More]
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One of the dangerous things about criticizing politicians of the opposing party for ethics violations is that there are very likely members of your own party who have done the same thing. This seems to be the case with Tom Delay. Nancy Pelosi has bee... [Read More]
Tracked on May 5, 2005 12:36 AM


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