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August 14, 2005
JSII: The Protestors

No political event can consider itself significant without drawing at least a smattering of protestors. Justice Sunday II drew about twenty of them, mostly quietly marching across the street from the venue. This captured most of them about an hour before the broadcast:


There didn't seem to be much enthusiasm for making noise, at least not until we came out with cameras. When I attempted to wish them well and that the heat and humidity wouldn't bother them too much, they responded by yelling, "It's not as hot here in Baghdad, with not enough body armor on!! BRING OUR BOYS HOME!!"

No, I'm not kidding.

Our hands-down favorite sign on Protest Row showed some hostility towards men with certain health-care issues:


Apparently, women can have a choice to have a baby or not, but men can't choose to have an erection. It seems to me that this argument can't stand on its own. All kidding aside, what the heck does Viagra have to do with the court system, or even abortion? It just shows how silly protestors get when they want to draw attention to themselves, a bit of human nature that is unfortunately bipartisan.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at August 14, 2005 5:55 PM

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