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September 26, 2006
Time To Release The NIE

The National Intelligence Estimate leak to the New York Times has given the Democrats yet another election-time club with which to beat Republicans, the Washington Post reports. The selective quotes have made their way into campaign speeches criticizing the Iraq War, and they hope to use them to maximum effect in their fading hopes of capturing either chamber of Congress:

A classified National Intelligence Estimate, completed in April but disclosed in news reports over the weekend, offers the U.S. intelligence community's first formal evaluation of global trends in terrorism since the April 2003 invasion of Iraq. U.S. officials said the report concludes that the Iraq war has fueled the growth of Islamic extremism and terror groups, but White House officials responded that the reports reflected a selective and distorted interpretation of the study.

Democratic lawmakers said the NIE finding undermines Bush's frequent claim that the toppling of Saddam Hussein's government has made the world more secure and confirms the need for a major change in strategy in Iraq. The findings were featured prominently at a hearing Senate Democrats held yesterday to review the conduct of the war and were cited by several retired generals offering harsh critiques of the administration's preparation for the Iraq war.

"The report underscores that the longer Bush and his enablers . . . keep us in Iraq, the more we undermine our own security," said Democrat Paul Hodes, who is seeking to oust incumbent Rep. Charles Bass (R-N.H.).

However, the usefulness of the report will only last as long as the larger context of the report remains hidden from the public. Already we have seen pushback from members of the intelligence community that object to the lack of that context in the New York Times. Spook86 at In From The Cold, a blogger and former intel worker with ties to the community, posted more quotes from the NIE that cast the report into a different light:

Or how about this statement, which--in part--reflects the impact of increased pressure on the terrorists: "A large body of reporting indicates that people identifying themselves as jihadists is increasing...however, they are largely decentralized, lack a coherent strategy and are becoming more diffuse." Hmm...doesn't sound much like Al Qaida's pre-9-11 game plan.

The report also notes the importance of the War in Iraq as a make or break point for the terrorists: "Should jihadists leaving Iraq perceive themselves to have failed, we judge that fewer will carry on the fight." It's called a ripple effect.

More support for the defeating the enemy on his home turf: "Threats to the U.S. are intrinsically linked to U.S. success or failure in Iraq." President Bush and senior administration officials have made this argument many times--and it's been consistently dismissed by the "experts" at the WaPo and Times.

And, some indication that the "growing" jihad may be pursuing the wrong course: "There is evidence that violent tactics are backfiring...their greatest vulnerability is that their ultimate political solution (shar'a law) is unpopular with the vast majority of Muslims." Seems to contradict MSM accounts of a jihadist tsunami with ever-increasing support in the global Islamic community..

The estimate also affirms the wisdom of sowing democracy in the Middle East: "Progress toward pluralism and more responsive political systems in the Muslim world will eliminate many of the grievances jihadists exploit." As I recall, this the core of our strategy in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Obviously, the Times has not played this straight. They have taken selected quotes from the NIE to build a political case against the war. Spook86 may have done the same for the other side, but then again, Spook86 does not pretend to be objectively reporting the facts. Clearly the report has more nuance than the Times presentation indicated.

The only solution to the problem is to declassify the NIE after redacting information about sources and methodology. We need to know the full context of all these remarks in order to know and understand the real conclusions of the intelligence community, not just a handful of disgruntled bureaucrats with Bill Keller on their speed-dial. Let's see the entire report and then debate its contents. Democrats and Republicans should both call for that kind of openness.

Otherwise, just remember that the use of selective quotes from a classified document really tells us almost nothing about the document itself or the war on terror in general. Even those quotes which the Times reported and Democratic politicians heft onto the hustings mean little, as I explained over the weekend; no one should be surprised that Islamists fight back when challenged. It's more than we can expect from the Times, which uses its reach to report on only one side of an issue, apparently afraid to reveal anything in a classified document that might undermine its opposition to the Iraq War.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at September 26, 2006 6:10 AM

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» Leaked NIE Information from Sensible Mom
To provide context, however, a classified document would have to be de-classified thus politicizing our country's intelligence gathering. And the NYT will likely scream politics if the Bush administration does so. In the meantime, To provide context,... [Read More]

Tracked on September 26, 2006 10:26 AM

» Leaked NIE Information from Sensible Mom
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» Bush Announces Declassification Of Leaked NIE Document from Stuck On Stupid
  President Bush just announced during his news conference today that he authorized the release of the NIE document.This should put a sock in the mouths of the Democrats.  Linked To: Michelle Malkin Captain's Quarters ... [Read More]

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» Islam Fanatics Didn’t Hate Us Before Iraq? from Flopping Aces
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» NIE Will Be De-Classified from QT Monster's Place
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» Bill's Bites -- 2006.09.26 from Old War Dogs
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» POTUS Orders DNI To Post NIE from Ed
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Tracked on September 26, 2006 5:16 PM


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