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March 16, 2005
Moonbat Lemmings, Leftward March

Michelle Malkin has an excellent column today on plans by anti-war protestors to mark the second anniversary of the liberation of Iraq by staging protests all over the country this weekend. As Michelle notes, reality has no application for people who can't see a purple-stained finger for the victory it represents for freedom -- the same freedom that allows them to march in irresponsible protests such as these:

With freedom on the move across the Middle East and beyond, aggrieved anti-war protesters here in the United States have nothing better to do this weekend than what they have always done: stand in the way.

The most unhinged of left-wing activists, from breast-exposing pacifists to the conspiracy-mongers of, will descend on New York, Washington and other major media markets to "mark the two-year anniversary of the U.S. bombing and invasion of Iraq." They will do so by clogging the streets, tying up police resources and leaving behind a trail of anti-Bush propaganda litter.

Who says the Left doesn't know how to create jobs?

We'll have our share of clueless fools clogging traffic on Saturday here in the Twin Cities. In fact, we may provide some live coverage of the event during our Northern Alliance Radio Network, which can be heard over our Internet stream here. Be sure to read all of Michelle's column as preparation for the idiocy to come.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at March 16, 2005 8:10 AM

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» Listening to the CBC -- Why do I do it? from Angry in the Great White North
With regards to the moonbat lemmings protesting what has turned out to be a victory for freedom, it gets even worse in Canada. Here the "World Without War" events get a free plug from the taxpayer-funded national radio network. [Read More]

Tracked on March 16, 2005 9:44 AM

» Antiwar Isn't the Same as Anti-American, But... from Caliber50
My question is, what action can be called anti-American? Where is the threshold? How do we define treason now? Is giving aid and comfort to the enemy an issue of free speech? This is not a recent phenomenon, of course. Jane Fonda infamously went to N... [Read More]

Tracked on March 16, 2005 8:58 PM

» A crack in the leftie foundation from Carpe Bonum
The two-year anniversary of the invasion of Iraq is coming up, and the Moonbats are planning to celebrate in their own particular idiom. Our old friend Rep. Maurice "It originated with Karl Rove" Hinchey will be doing his thing, as... [Read More]

Tracked on March 18, 2005 1:40 AM

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